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Unregistered May 13th, 2002 03:31 PM

No Shared Folder
When I download an MP3, it does not show up in my library..why?

Unregistered May 17th, 2002 08:42 PM

i have the same problem - the "shared" directory label does not show in the LW library - but the directory w/downloads is there

Unregistered May 18th, 2002 09:34 AM

I am having similar problems. I have gone to Tools - Options - Sharing - Add. However, it will not allow me to add anything. The only folder listed is the incomplete folder. I am running Windows 98, and have enabled file sharing on my PC.

Unregistered May 19th, 2002 04:42 PM

Yes, there is a shared folder listed. However, I am unable to add it. I can see any folder on my PC, but can add none. I have the default listing of file extensions, but can see no files. The program just chimes when I try to add, as if incomplete.

Is it possible that the lastest version of limewire has a bug and I need a patch?

Unregistered May 19th, 2002 08:06 PM

I'm also in the same boat. I just downloaded limewire for the first time on saturday and i'm also unable to add anything to the sharing menu of the option on tools.
I also created a shared folder.
It doesn't let me pick any location to add.

Unregistered May 20th, 2002 01:56 AM

shared folder?
same thing here, just downloaded and everythings like it should be?

afisk May 20th, 2002 01:08 PM

I will look into this issue. You could also try changing your save directory in the Options window. What operating system is everyone working on?

wildhermit May 20th, 2002 08:33 PM

I am running Windows 98. I reinstalled Limewire and now my "Shared" folder shows up. However, I am still unable to add any other directiories. I have a folder where I keep my music, and cannot add it. I could always add the music to my shared folder, but then that would mess up my order.... :)

afisk May 21st, 2002 09:32 AM

I think there's some confusion about how to use the file chooser. Unlike the typicaly windows file chooser, the one for LimeWire uses the currently "selected" directory before you go into that directory, if that makes any sense. Try selecting the directory you want to share (without double clicking it), and then pressing "select" button.

Dividend May 21st, 2002 05:23 PM

Actually, it makes more sense then the old Windows chooser. Ever trying using the New Shortcut command to link a folder in Win9X? The new Win2K/XP is far better.

Unregistered May 22nd, 2002 09:09 AM

I not only don't have a shared folder but when I look for limewire it shows it in Programs , but when I look in programs no such file exist.

Taliban May 22nd, 2002 09:13 AM


I not only don't have a shared folder but when I look for limewire it shows it in Programs , but when I look in programs no such file exist.
I don't quite understand...

You shared folder should be C:\program files\limewire\shared by default.

Unregistered May 23rd, 2002 06:41 AM

This all is exactly what I'm going through. I can't find downloaded files anywhere except in the search area display box. Then the next day it is gone from there also. any help would be wonderful.......Thanks in advance

Raelize May 23rd, 2002 05:40 PM

Shared Folder
I've had Limewire for about a month. No gliches with my folders. 3 days ago my cable connection broke and is now fixed. The same time my cable connection broke my shared folder disapeared, not though my incomplete folder. I can not find the folder anywhere and when I download files they disappear to the shared folder. I know it is around because when I tried to replace some of the items in the folder it told me I already have the items. It sounds a bit like the problems you guys are having.

Taliban May 23rd, 2002 10:53 PM

go to options->saving
you can check, where your shared folder is here.

go to options->sharing
you can add your shared folder to the library here.

Raelize May 24th, 2002 01:57 PM

A little confused since when I go to options I'm just able to change my outgoing connections.

Also it says I'm sharing 0 files when Limewire "knows" what files I already have downloaded completely.

Thank you for the help.

afisk June 11th, 2002 06:53 PM

There is definitely a bug with the shared folder that I introduced with the last version somehow -- sorry!! It will be fixed in the next LimeWire release (but that may not be for a little while... -- three weeks??).

Unregistered June 13th, 2002 11:07 AM

saving to Library
I was able to create the shared folder in the Library but not all of the downloaded songs are there. They show up under the Search tab as complete downloads but I can't figure out how to save them to the Library shared folder.

Treatid June 13th, 2002 11:57 PM

For downloaded songs to show up in the Library you must have your download location (Tools|Options|Saving) and you shared locations (Tools|Options|Sharing) point to the same place.

You may need to add your download location to your shared list.


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