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  #1 (permalink)  
Old May 17th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Unhappy Where Are The Moderators?????

Just for info: I've been a LimeWire user for over a year now, and seen the good and the bad, and have been a frequent visitor to these forums.

But what I see on these forums now is saddening and in some cases very inappropriate. What I am referring to is the profanity being used, not just from visitors, but also from Senior Members (not necessary to mention any names), the ones that are supposed to be here to help. The flaming, degrogatory remarks, and responses that are just in bad taste. I could list numerous examples, but thats not necessary either, just read and you will see what I mean. By the way, you are aware that these are "public" forums, and are visited not only by adults, but also minors. Would you use profanity in a public place?

I'm a firm believer in freedom of speech, but I get the feeling that some folks have lost contact with what these forums are all about.

So my question is, "Where Are The Moderators?"

Oh, and yes, I will continue to visit here, in hopes that after wading through all the garbage, I will find something helpful. And before I get flamed, because I'm not registered, my reponse is, no thank you...:-)
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old May 17th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Default AMEN, BRO!!!!

they only seem to show for the easy flames, easy questions, and closing threads!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old May 18th, 2002
Join Date: April 26th, 2002
Posts: 328
Treatid is flying high

Senior Members are only those people who have posted a certain number of messages. They have no official capacity.

The developers of LimeWire have no duty to provide technical support to unregistered users. Registered users have alternate forms of support available to them.

The official moderators will respond if a message is reported to them - but there are no clear guide lines as to what is acceptable and what isn't. And they aren't being paid to do this either as far as I know.

Personally, I've found most of the more prolific posters to be helpful and informative most of the time. But even the most calm person is liable to be riled by the umpteenth person who comes along shouting and sulking that "somethings wrong and I want it fixed now you Bleep, Bleep, Bleeps", with no more information than that.

Yes, there are young people on the forums. Quite often they are they ones using the less delicate language.

If you are concerned about the way people communicate, your best option is to respond to their message and help them to communicate more effectively. Why rely on other people to do this for you when it is your concern?

I'm not trying to disparage you in any way. I have considerable sympathy for your point of view - but I think the best solutionis to educate rather than to censor.


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  #4 (permalink)  
Old May 18th, 2002
Posts: n/a

Agreed, however, what is the purpose of a "free" version of software?

Is it not to aquaint a user with the functions, and advantages of using it and to have them ultimately purchase the registered version. If a software developer determines that they do not want to provide "official" support for the free version, thats all well and good, however, it only leaves a bad taste in the users mouth, so to speak, because they have a problem and cannot get or find an answer from the source. Thus, making them look for similar software that does provide support.

You can read, over and over again, on these forums of the same or similar problems, not just from unregistered users but also REGISTERED users. Is that an indication of the "alternative forms of support" referred too? How many times have you seen a post stating, "I am a registered user, have contacted support, and received no response".

I agree that censuring may not the the best answer, but in some cases necessary.

Maybe, just a thought, that the developers need to spend a little more time thinking about the people who are using the software, and not so much about the $$$$$$ made from bundling trash (excuse me for referring to it that way). That only adds to a further dislike if there are also other unfixed problems. I think you will agree that many of the problems that users are experiencing are being caused by the extra bundled software. If the software does what it is advertised to do, with as few problems as possible, then people will be more willing to pay for it. And providing support for the product, whether it be free or paid for, only makes good marketing sense.

On a final note, I did not mean to demean those that are volunteering and dedicating their time in trying to help, this includes the moderators. I was only trying to make a point that someone (and the moderators are the ones that are in a position to take action) needs to "clean up", the forums, so to speak.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old May 19th, 2002
Posts: n/a

I agree. They can really learn something from the Bearshare developers. Vinnie always replyes to messages, he is browsing the forums every day, and listens to peoples' problems and requests ( of course, not the bearshare forums here), but in 99% of the threads in the LimeWire forums, the developers NEVER replyed.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old May 20th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Angry Ironic!

Whats really ironic about it, is that at least 3 of the Moderators are also LW Developers, go figure that!

Leads one to wonder where their priorites are. Seems like they only respond when backed into a corner and then they try to tap dance around the issue.

Remember the 3 monkeys..."See No Evil, Speak No Evil, Hear No Evil"......
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old May 20th, 2002
Posts: n/a

WHAT? 3 of the moderator are LimeWire developers???!!!!
Now I know why I never see the moderators' threads and replies.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old May 20th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Default Yes they are!

Just take a look at the "Moderated by" at the top of the forums list and click on the names....... should I list them......nah, better not....*L*....they might get upset.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old May 20th, 2002
Posts: n/a

I'm just curious - You said that you visit the forums a lot. Then why don't you register?
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old May 20th, 2002
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Originally posted by Unregistered
I agree that censuring may not the the best answer, but in some cases necessary.

I was only trying to make a point that someone (and the moderators are the ones that are in a position to take action) needs to "clean up", the forums, so to speak.
Do not worry.
The "necessary cleaning up" will be done.
Would zero-tolerance for profanity be acceptable to you?
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