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  #1 (permalink)  
Old June 12th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Default Can't we ban porn on LimeWire?

Even though I have filtered Porn, it still manages to work its way in to my search results of something. Why is it on Lime Wire Pro? Can some one tell me how to stop this from happening?
Thanks alot

Your truly
Jermaine Evans
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old June 12th, 2002
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As long as there are people sharing porn you will keep receiving queryhits for porn. However you won't find much porn, if you are searching for audio files, for example.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old June 14th, 2002
Posts: n/a

Thanks for replying Taliban. Its annoying that porn will keep surfacing isn't it?!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old June 14th, 2002
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It is not possible to filter out porn completely and the reason is that the persons/company's that do distribute these porn files also include some meta tag information filled with words and names that has nothing to do with porn at all just so that you will get them in your search result list when searching for music etc.Also another trick that they use is to take advantage of celebritys name's in the file names so that when you search for music for instance Edit or Edit you will ge a lot of porn files in the search result list.

One way to almost get around this is to use the Audio only search feature in LW and search for music but I have personally tryed it and have notice that it inhibits me and that I get less results for the stuff I was actually looking for so I no longer uses that option insted I always use the Any Type option and get much better search results and just live with the fact that I will get some porn in the results but I just ignore them.
<img src="">Sincerely Joakim Agren!

Last edited by Remoc; February 11th, 2008 at 06:58 PM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old June 14th, 2002
Posts: n/a

Why would limewire stop allowing porn to be shared? Porn is the leading industry on the internet, meaning a LOT of people want to look at it. If you don't want to look at porn don't download it.

I can understand not wanting kids to see porn names listed, especially hard-core or deviant stuff. However, I would be more concerned with the new trend of acceptance towards pirating music, software, and movies.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old June 15th, 2002
Join Date: October 20th, 2001
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noci is flying high

most of the porn available on gnut is pirated, anyways... lol.
copied img sets, ripped prON CDs and so forth..

ah well, "piracy"... imho that's what all p2p networks are about.
it's digital anarchy, and all the happy messages about "freedom of information'" say just that- but in euphemistic terms.

i'll never get why people come to the boards and get all "concerned" about the so-called "piracy".
makes me wonder why those people are on the gnu-net, anyways.
it's kinda like going to a porn video store and complaining about the nudity on display

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old June 15th, 2002
Posts: n/a

Thank you for all of your replies, I can see where you all are coming from and I understand what you are saying because it makes perfect sense. I have children and do not like to see the result of porn coming up but I think I'll have to deal with it, and monitor them while searching! Also though, when we download files, and delete them and delete them again in the recycle bin, they won't be stored any where else on my computer will they? Like there is no back up back up storage?!

Thanks alot
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old June 17th, 2002
Posts: n/a

I'm 99.99% sure there isn't a back-up back-up on your computer. I know their isn't one on my computer.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old June 18th, 2002
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Originally posted by Unregistered
I'm 99.99% sure there isn't a back-up back-up on your computer. I know their isn't one on my computer.

No, BUT, if you've watched these files, there might still be traces of the file names in whatever you watched them in, like under the "File" menu in Media Player, or even under your "Recent Documents" menu on the Start Menu. The files won't be there, but you still may be able to read the names.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old June 18th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Default "Back Up"

Ummm. From my brother's experience with his computer, the files are sometimes still recoverable, even though you put them in the recycle bin. This is because, I think, windows will not remove the information from your drive, rather it will just not recognize it, and will if needed overwrite it. If you want to really make them go away, try something like internet eraser. Of course with the technology the government has, they still might be able to figure out what you are so worried about, which if it is some of the sick stuff that shows up on some searches (i.e. kiddie porn), then you should be worried.
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