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Open Discussion topics Discuss the time of day, whatever you want to. This is the hangout area. If you have LimeWire problems, post them here too.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old June 20th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Default I'm an idiot

How do I save files I donwloaded? They used to go into my library but now they're just sitting in my dowloads.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old June 21st, 2002
Join Date: December 3rd, 2001
Location: East Coast USA
Posts: 67
JohnReam is flying high

Yes you are.

And you can't spell either.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old June 29th, 2002
Join Date: June 29th, 2002
Posts: 10
DSLayer is flying high

Bill Gates created Drag-n-Drop for people like you.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old June 29th, 2002
Join Date: March 4th, 2002
Location: Tennessee
Posts: 354
bobomon is flying high

Based on the small amount of information you have provided you may have one of two issues.

1) If it indicates the download is complete then you should check the following - under Tools / Options/ Saving is the location to which Limewire moves files when they are completed... that is where they will be when completed.

2) The other possibility is under Tools / Options/ Downloads is the checkbox option to clear a file from the downloads display when it is complete. This check box should be checked.

Last edited by bobomon; June 30th, 2002 at 08:28 AM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old June 29th, 2002
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ursula is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Nice to see that at least one out of four here is intelligent enough to simply try to help....... Maybe the one in four is also honest enough to remember when they first started....... Couple of you really would not like some of your posts dragged up......

Thanks, bobomon, for being the smart one!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old June 30th, 2002
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ursula is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel
Default Re: insults

Originally posted by Peerless
OK, sorry, my jibe was uncalled for. I would think that the directory where your downloads are saved is not listed as a shared directory, this is probably why they do not show up in your library. If you look under your tools tab, options, shared menu you will see the ability to specify what folder(s) you share from. The folders you specify will show up in your library.

God, I hate being reminded of my lack of abilities when I first started using this machine. I deserved it Ursula, and will take my thrashing like a man.
It's any videoes or films of the first days on a bicycle you really want to try to hide!!!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old June 30th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Thumbs down

They may not have been PC with their flames but I understand their frustration.

People have become very lazy and happy to depend on others for the simplest things in life. With little to no effort the original poster should have been able to figure the problem out.

OK maybe they should have left their criticism unsaid but I also think a response to the original question was equally irresponsible. The poster that spoon fed the answer has fostered anothers laziness and dependence.

It is not the flame throwing that has made message boards lose their appeal it is the ingnorance and laziness you have to wade through that has.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old June 30th, 2002
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ursula is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

I am afraid that I have to agree with your main comments.
It is a 'catch-22' situation as the only way to give the help normally is to 'spoon-feed' it ..... I can very easily sympathize with the frustration felt by many after hearing the same questions which were answered in detail one post above!!!
(you ought to try it from the mods side sometime! Oi!)

What is not mentioned often enough, however, is the blind stupidity of those who are offering and further developing clients with zero or totally out of date Documentation/Manuals/FAQs......
THEY are the guilty culprits and THEY are the ones who deserve the 'ton of bricks' dropped on them. Please, no nonsense replies from anyone about how the need to write proper DOCS and FAQs would 'hinder development'.

So, everybody... try to help, try to remember when it was all gobbledy-geek to you, also.... and blast at the clients for their failure to give TRUE support with DOCS.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old June 30th, 2002
Join Date: March 4th, 2002
Location: Tennessee
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bobomon is flying high

The poster that spoon fed the answer has fostered anothers laziness and dependence.
I have to take exception to that statement. You are making assumptions regarding the original post. That person may very well be a lazy, dependant person... on the other hand the person may have simply been new to Limewire, or new to P2p or new to computers period.... I am sure you run into such folks every day, I do. Unless you are an exception I am willing to bet that you too have asked "stupid" questions at some point... I know I have.

I agree with the frustration... but in an open forum we can make a choice to ignore more easily that we can post a flame. I choose to not be a flamer (most of the time).... I consider the forum a place to learn as well so why wouldn't a person ask their "lazy' question here...

In the end I feel the same frustrations, I just choose to deal with it in a different manner.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old June 30th, 2002
Join Date: March 4th, 2002
Location: Tennessee
Posts: 354
bobomon is flying high

What is not mentioned often enough, however, is the blind stupidity of those who are offering and further developing clients with zero or totally out of date Documentation/Manuals/FAQs......
I have to agree... LimeWire is a case in point - I think their on-line docs are good, but inadequate and in some areas out of date.
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