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Unregistered July 26th, 2002 06:20 PM

sometimes file are there and next there not
why can i sometimes get a file and then later it wont be there! ex: Sometimes I can find ******* Eps. and then sometimes i can't!!!!!!!! it makes me sad!

bad_vlad July 26th, 2002 06:41 PM

missing files

you need to make it clearer what you mean - if you're saying you've downloaded a file and then it seems to vanish - then - unless there's something really sick with your computer the file can't disappear (I lose track of files all the time cos I keep moving them around sub directories and forget where I've put them

but - if you're saying sometimes when you search for a particular file you can find it but then when you search at a different time you can't find it - well - thats just part of the pleasure and pain of the way the net works - one day that person in latvia has the file you're looking for is connected and the next day they're not (but maybe someone in germany who also has the file will be and so you'll get lucky)

with patience you'll find you can get pretty much whatever you're after (but sometimes it sure takes a lot of patience)

Cheers, bad_vlad

Unregistered July 29th, 2002 02:26 PM

It would be spamtastic if every user left their computer on forever, and ever, and ever....

Unregistered July 29th, 2002 11:12 PM

Hey is there any particular place, like a forum, that users can go on and arrange to both be on limewire at the same time.
for example, a thread may go something like:

post 1: hey lookin for the new springstein, any one got it?

post two: I got it, wanna be on tonight at 11:00?

post three: sure, man i love how great of an idea this message board is.

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