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Unregistered July 30th, 2002 11:16 PM

Here's a stupid question, or is it?
Hey is there any particular place, like a forum, that users can go on and arrange to both be on limewire at the same time.
for example, a thread may go something like:

post 1: hey lookin for the new springstein, any one got it?

post two: I got it, wanna be on tonight at 11:00?

post three: sure, man i love how great of an idea this message board is.

bad_vlad July 31st, 2002 12:25 AM

lots of folks would no doubt agree with you that being able to 'plan ahead' would be great but you're forgetting that using gnutella/p2p means even if you find someone with the file you want and they do connect at the pre-arranged time you might still not be able to actually connect with each other because you each only have access to part of the total network - what you'd have to do is exchange IP addresses which would be a fairly dangerous thing to do because anyone else who also read it would also know your machine was going to be open/vulnerable - you could use google to find groups of people with similar tastes and then you could exchange addresses via more private emails - but it'd be a lot of schmoozing and still potentially dangerous - but hey - bet if you tried it there'd be plenty of responses and sometimes it 'd possibly work out - wouldn't go there myself though


Freiluft July 31st, 2002 04:12 PM

The chat feature of LW is such a sometime thing, but it does work now and again. I have managed to contact some folks and then we go share on ICQ or AIM. Neither of these apps. reveal the IP. I still have email contact with some of the people I have met on LW. Sort of a nice extra.

Unregistered August 3rd, 2002 04:50 AM

not so stupid qestoin
hi i know we should not keep going on about napstar but i relly did like the way you could not only chat but download striaght from someone elses computer i really miss napstar

Dennis August 16th, 2002 11:44 AM

Well, if someone responded to a post and mentioned they had the mp3 you were looking for, just have them email you the song. Easy, somple, and safe.

Johnney Reb August 16th, 2002 01:52 PM

y cant u just download it your self?

gchuygen1 August 16th, 2002 04:20 PM

Re: not so stupid qestoin

Originally posted by Unregistered
hi i know we should not keep going on about napstar but i relly did like the way you could not only chat but download striaght from someone elses computer i really miss napstar
look at it this way -- at least you had the experience of using Napster -- so many now will never know just how good it was


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