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  #1 (permalink)  
Old August 19th, 2002
Mr. Busch
Posts: n/a
Question Who's the 'MONITOR' expert???

I am using LIMEWIRE 2.5.4 on a MAC OSX, DSL Connnection and I have the following specific questions that didn't seem to be covered in the FAQ or in the LIMEWIRE manual.

1. Under the status bar in my monitor window, some of my uploads say 'Transfer Interrupted' and just stay that way. Did the user kill the upload on their end? Should I kill it on my end? Are they previewing the file which interrupts the transfer?

2. Some of the uploads say 'complete' but in the speed tab the status reads an actual kb rate other that 0kb and the progress tab shows that there is still a ways to go for the upload.

3. Some uploads are idle at 0kb

4. Sometimes the same host will upload the same file twice. Can I 'kill' the second upload without being blocked or dissed?

5. What's the most efficient way to allocate my upload slots when i'm feeling generous. i have my preferences set thus far:

uploads per person: 1

start upload slots: 10

max upload slots: 15

upload bandwidth: 100% (unlimited)

auto clear: off

preferencing: always allow freeloaders with 0 files to share

ultrapeer disabled: no

It sounds like a lot but it would help me a great deal.


Dj Dirty Dan
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old August 19th, 2002
Join Date: July 4th, 2002
Posts: 274
Krieger88 is flying high

1. Transfer interrupted means the upload is now inactive (for a couple of possible reasons) kill it if you like, - you don't have to.

2. Complete means the upload is inactive, too.

3. 0k uploaders are a GUI bug, they are displayed but they are really inactive.

4. kill it if you like, it's usually a greedy client trying to occupy more of your upstream

5. The most efficient setting (or what the developers consider the most efficient setting) is always the default setting. That's why they made it default.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old August 19th, 2002
Mr. Busch
Posts: n/a
Default re: monitor expert

Okay, that a good start.

Please clarify:

What's a GUI bug?

As far as efficiency; I asked this because there is a file that I'm hoping to share and I'm not suite sure if it's being recognized by other users. After a chat with a user, whom I asked to perform a search for the file we came up with no search results. He left chat before I could ask what his filter preferences are.

Nonetheless, I would like to verify whether the file was properly encoded and available for others to upload. It's in my shared folder, it's a quicktime mp3, at a bitrate of 192kbs and is 74mb.

Dare, I give you the filename?
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old August 19th, 2002
tross04401's Avatar
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It's a bug in the GUI (Graphical User Interface).

Giving the filename is one sure way of finding out. If you feel uncomfortable, you could always arrange to send it via email to someone here, or one of your other online friends.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old August 19th, 2002
Mr. Busch
Posts: n/a
Default Filenames

Here you go my friend...

******* (59min).mp3




Last edited by birdy; February 1st, 2008 at 04:24 PM.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old August 19th, 2002
tross04401's Avatar
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Well, it's showing up - that's a start -- You don't have any available slots at the moment though.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old August 19th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Default re: search

Great! I monitored my incoming searches and I think I saw your query; at least someone's, anyway.

At the time, my 18 upload slots were occupied, some reading 'transfer interrupted' which indicates to me that one must make sure and kill those as they occur or else they lay dorment, depriving others the chance to UL.


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  #8 (permalink)  
Old August 19th, 2002
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Perhaps it depends upon the version. People can connect and download even if I show interrupted transfers <shrug>

As far as the file goes, it's still pending. I'll tell you how it plays on my Linux players once it comes in.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old August 19th, 2002
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Join Date: July 5th, 2001
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TruStarwarrior is flying high

I would advise you not to post file names. If you choose to do so, do it at your own risk.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old August 19th, 2002
Join Date: August 19th, 2002
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Posts: 19
ckyFan is flying high
Default Still Pending???

I have now changed my preferences a bit and am monitoring my uploads to to allow open slots galore, but to no avail. There are no new uploads occuring as of 1 1/2 hours ago, which includes your request for my Dj set. I've even surveyed my uploads for twenty minutes at a time with other changes to my Limewire activity. During these periods, the send and recieve bars on my 'internet connect' window hold steady; the recieve bar almost at max and the send bar just behind it. Even after a Limewire 'force quit' the bars held at exactly the same levels, which indicates to me that either the 'send and receive' status for my ethernet connection has no relevance to the activity in Limewire

Can you possibly enlighten me a little, or even ask someone close by to theorize with you on this? If I sound condescending forgive me, but I think it's important that the details be addressed thouroughly in order to optimize this version of Limewire's performance.

hold a sec...(elapsed time away / 25 minutes)

Okay I'm back...

So now, after a Limewire Force Quit, A Limewire internal error, and a message from TruStarWarrior I'm beginning to wonder if this is my fault.

Does the FAQ page say anything about filenames in the forum. If it does, then I'll happily take the blame.

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