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wilbaker September 5th, 2002 09:39 AM

I see them I want them
Forgive me I know not where to post this. I see the files I want when I do a search. I get a "Request Sent, Waiting for Results" message for many,many files. Eventually days later some of those files do download. Any ideas? Could it be a firewall issue for me or them? I have opened 6346 on my end need there be more?

bad_vlad September 5th, 2002 01:13 PM

you don't need to do anything more (in fact if you're waiting for the requery message to actually result in a connection you're already demonstratibg saint like qualities) - many many more files show up in the search results than you can expect to get - there are a few reasons for this - files will show up but by the time you get to click the mouse and send a message that you'd like to download it someone else has already beaten you to it and the host who has the file no longer has any bandwidth left to upload it to you (so you wait in line hoping that eventually your requery message connects at just the right time - but also - because uktrapeers are changing all the time (you can see it in the connections window) by the time you notice the particular file you want in a list of search results you may no longer be connected to the person who has the file (so again out goes the request message and again you wait)

its all part of the distinctive pleasure of a p2p system (one of the reasons its useful to have the tv happening at the same time I reckon) - but - if you're patient you certainly can find pretty much whatever you're seeking

good luck, bad_vlad

Unregistered September 6th, 2002 07:20 PM

I find this a lot too. basically, the ip the node is at is coming from a bogus address 10.x or 192.x (e.g., these are prolly behind a firewall. i think limewire should have a facility to allow clients to block others who don't actually have port-forwarding of the limewire port (#6346). bunch-a-freeloaders.

tross04401 September 6th, 2002 08:12 PM

Actually, they aren't all necessarily freeloaders. Many gnutella clients handle and send push requests. A push will allow the machine on the other end to start transmitting the file, even if they are behind a firewall - but this will only work if only one side has 6346 (or other ports) firewalled.

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