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  #1 (permalink)  
Old September 14th, 2002
Join Date: September 14th, 2002
Location: Australia
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sdooh is flying high
Question Blonde newbie ...........

Hi -- I have downloaded a couple of MP3s (might not make a habit of this til I get DSL!!!) and have made all mine available, no worries there -- however, in categories like Programs/Images etc. any search I try yields nothing. Entering (say) "Baseball" under images gets me zip, nada. What parameters are necessary other than a keyword?? TIA for an enlightenment.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old September 14th, 2002
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bad_vlad is flying high
Default Re: Blonde newbie ...........

Originally posted by sdooh
in categories like Programs/Images etc. any search I try yields nothing.
Peerless is right - the "nude Britney" search will always let you know exactly how well you're plugged into the network (you should expect to be swamped by results) - there is one other issue though that I've noticed - if I compare the "hit monitor" window in shareaza with the "enable incoming searches" in LW its usually the case that LW has less porn, programs, videos, images etc than shareaza

LW preferences LW ultrapeers over other clients such as shareaza, xolox, morpheus etc and although this shouldn't mean less connections to other peers via the LW ultrapeers it nevertheless does seem to mean that whilst mp3 searches may be better, searches for images etc are maybe not as productive as when the ultrapeers are more diverse - you could try playing in the connections window - disconnecting some of the LW ultrapeers and getting up a more 'mixed bag' of connections - one LW, one gnucleus and one shareaza for example

I have downloaded a couple of MP3s (might not make a habit of this til I get DSL!!!)
Fear Not - you'll be amazed at just how quickly files can pile up even when you stuck at 56k - I too am forced to use a dial-up because here in Australia one company effectively has a monopoly on telecommunications and whilst you can get 'unlimited time/unlimited downloads' on dial-up deals the faster cable connections come with truly vicious pricing schemes - usually after a 300 mb per month limit (and that 300 mb is ALL data transfers so EVERYTHING going up and down is counted/costed) - but even so - after not very long I'm now frantically trying to squeeze extra space out my hard drive to make room for new treasures (anyone know a good defragmentation program for NT? - maybe that'd give me an extra mb or two)

Cheers, bad_vlad
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old September 14th, 2002
Join Date: September 14th, 2002
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sdooh is flying high
Default Ah ... I am too pure

Thanks guys -- I guess I just didn't wait long enough and my searches WERE too pure! (Being a Grandma it didn't occur to me to try porn and/or movie stars.) Told you I was blonde. Can't see the day when I will use the image thing, but "Programs" does have a certain wicked allure ... I was wondering if I should make available what I have, but rename files with more searchable filenames. Bring on the unregistered Thief Spammers.

Vlad I am in Oz too -- RURAL Oz moreover. Say no more.

I am hoping that I have otherwise done the right thing -- have opened relevant folders with permissions, but have NO idea who is or isn't poking about in here.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old September 14th, 2002
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bad_vlad is flying high
Default Re: Ah ... I am too pure

Originally posted by sdooh
Vlad I am in Oz too -- RURAL Oz moreover. Say no more.
Hi neighbour - welcome to gnutella - guess I don't have tell you anything about the wonders of Telstra

it didn't occur to me to try porn and/or movie stars.)
you gotta love britney - not only great cheesy pop that provides short term satisfaction almost as well as KFC but also provides the best test of the health of your connections anyone could ever wish for

"Programs" does have a certain wicked allure ...
yup - for those so inclined LW certainly hooks you up with a wicked warez world

I was wondering if I should make available what I have, but rename files with more searchable filenames.
big debate that one - I rename files myself but not out of any real concern for others so much as making them more sensible for the sub directories I've set up for my own convenience - on the other hand some folks object to the practice because if you leave the file name the way it is there's more chance of simultaneously downloading from more than one person who has the file (ie 'swarm' downloads)

I am hoping that I have otherwise done the right thing -- have opened relevant folders with permissions, but have NO idea who is or isn't poking about in here.
and therein lies the special joy of p2p

Cheers, bad_vlad
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old September 14th, 2002
Join Date: September 14th, 2002
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sdooh is flying high

anyone know a good defragmentation program for NT? - maybe that'd give me an extra mb or two
Try Vopt from -- I have the XP version and it's brilliant. (Not too expensive to buy!! I thought it was well worth it.)

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old September 14th, 2002
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bad_vlad is flying high

thanks for the tip - I'll check it out
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old September 15th, 2002
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I use perfectdisk2000 from raxco
Het algemeen gnutella forum in Nederlands

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old September 15th, 2002
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Default Re: Re: Blonde newbie ...........

Originally posted by bad_vlad
LW its usually the case that LW has less porn, programs, videos, images etc than shareaza
This has nothing to do with your client, they connect both to the same net... the reason is that you connect every time to other hosts and they have not the same files. You can only reach a part of the Gnutella net that is why it seems that other clients offer other files...

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  #9 (permalink)  
Old September 15th, 2002
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Default Re: Re: Re: Blonde newbie ...........

Originally posted by Morgwen

This has nothing to do with your client, they connect both to the same net... the reason is that you connect every time to other hosts and they have not the same files. You can only reach a part of the Gnutella net that is why it seems that other clients offer other files...

ummmm - I know the argument that the LW ultrapeer connects to all the other clients like shareaza etc so searches with shareaza and LW should in overall terms be pretty much equivelent (allowing for the fact that each program/search will reach different parts of the net) - but - my sense is that I'm far from the only LW user that is only really interested in audio files - if so - then as all the other leaf connections like me are preferenced into connecting almost exclusively with LW ultrapeers this must mean that the connections LW ultrapeers manage are disproportionately characterised by mp3 sharing

if users of clients other than LW (even modestly) tend to have a broader range of non mp3 files - then - connecting to these clients as ultrapeers will further contribute to the experience of more varied search results (in terms of file formats) than is the case when connected to a LW ultrapeer that is in turn disproportionately connected to other LW users

what do you reckon?

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  #10 (permalink)  
Old September 16th, 2002
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bad_vlad is flying high

Originally posted by RaaF
I use perfectdisk2000 from raxco
thanks a lot

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