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Open Discussion topics Discuss the time of day, whatever you want to. This is the hangout area. If you have LimeWire problems, post them here too.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old November 3rd, 2002
Join Date: November 2nd, 2002
Posts: 6
chelsie is flying high
Default Help I Am New Here

Limewire looks really good, but i am haveing problems.

1) the chat is not working
2) the browes is not working
3) no one ever UL from me when i know my songs are asked for

Whats are these problems and how do i fix them.

I am shareing 164 files so im not a leech

chel xxx
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old November 3rd, 2002
Posts: n/a
Talking LimeWire alternative

I was just browsing hrough this forum and read the one that says "lime wire sux!" and someone there suggested using another program called Shareaza. I just downloaded it and it works awesome! The installation is really easy and straightforward and everything runs smoothly. The little blurb on their website says it was constructd based on user sugestions, and it's got all the features I would suggest. Anyone struggling with Limewire should give Shareaza a try. There's no spyware or garbage and I went from downloading the program to searching for files in les then 10 minutes.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old November 3rd, 2002
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LeeWare is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel
Default Re: Help I Am New Here

Originally posted by chelsie
Limewire looks really good, but i am haveing problems.

1) the chat is not working
2) the browes is not working
3) no one ever UL from me when i know my songs are asked for

Whats are these problems and how do i fix them.

I am shareing 164 files so im not a leech

chel xxx
A few possibilities to your problems.

1. Chat - perhaps the hosts you are trying to chat with are behind firewalls or no ones at the console so you don't receive a reply or the machines are offline.

2. Browse it not working. - The machines you are attempting to browse are not running a version of limewire that supports, are behind firewalls or not online.

3. No on ever uploads from you. Perhaps you are using NAT, you're behind a firewall or you have slooooow connection.

All of these are not necessarily Limewire Problems just common issues faced by gnutella users.
Lee Evans, President
LeeWare Development
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old November 4th, 2002
Join Date: November 2nd, 2002
Posts: 6
chelsie is flying high

Thanks for some answers,
I am behind a fire wall on my partners computer, we are internetting so the protection is on his but i can not get the internet till i turn hid intrnet on first, if you know what i meen.

He will never let me turn it off mainley because of programs like this,

Is is safe to show IP numbers i thought that was one thing you never do, yet this,program shows your ip address to others

very Dangerous.

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old November 4th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Default Don't beleive the Security Hype!

Originally posted by chelsie
Thanks for some answers,
I am behind a fire wall on my partners computer, we are internetting so the protection is on his but i can not get the internet till i turn hid intrnet on first, if you know what i meen.

He will never let me turn it off mainley because of programs like this,

Is is safe to show IP numbers i thought that was one thing you never do, yet this,program shows your ip address to others

very Dangerous.

For years now people have taken advantage of features (os-bugs not included) to use them for malice purposes. These because someone can see your ip address is not necessarily a danger in itself. What tends to be dangerous is the false sense of security people have when they install firewalls and intrusion detection systems and then go and circumvent those measures by downloading and running software from untrusted sources.

It have been my perspective that it is possible for you to run a completely safe and secure computing environment by just following some simple rules.

1. Is your OS patched and up-to-date? (This is an industry problem these are the most dangerous types of issues because you can follow best practices but if your software platform is full of holes your a sitting duck.)

2. Is your virus software up-to-date and functioning properly?
(If your systems are clean of viruses the best way to keep them that way is not expose them to new risks by downloading and running things from untrusted sources.)

3. Backup Strategy (Can you recover your machine if it became seriously impaired? - I would add to this one You should not keep anything on your system that is important if you are going to use your machine in a hostile environment. I would highly recommend a dedicated machine for use on the Internet if you can afford it. Or at least the ability to switch between configurations.)

4. Know your machine (this is the most important)

The industry sells a lot of products to people who are naturally ignorant to the risks of computing in a hostile environment. I think knowledge of general to advanced computing practices and the associated risks would allow the general public the ability to accurately assess these risks and plan accordingly.

So the story goes:

Sally Sue want to use the Internet to do all of these cool things with her computer. Sally Sue want to do all of these cool things as safely and securely as possible. Sally Sue want to retain full functionality in her computing in environment.

Unfortunately, as people find ways to turn functionality into a security risks the Internet as a medium for sharing and exchange is turning into a ocean of little islands of highly restricted and limited communications.

In essence the price you pay for security is sometimes a loss in functionality.

hope this helps.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old November 4th, 2002
Join Date: July 19th, 2001
Posts: 27
cmcnulty is flying high

Shareaza...Yeah, that's it...sure...

You know, one of the ppl close to that project once bragged about how fun it was to eavesdrop on the private messages and such... I want a program like that on my computer..NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe you should try a different method of advertising your spyware client Mr. seems quite obvious to me that you just want more business to come your way...what?, having a bit of trouble paying the bills????
Peerless, I like both Shareaza and Limewire, and while it's pointless and stupid to advocate another piece of software in the support forum of LimeWire, you're obviously an ignorant jerk who doesn't know what he's talking about.

Shareaza uses the same chat scheme as Limewire, so even if this person who bragged to you could eavesdrop (which is extremely unlikely though I admit possible) they would be able to do it to LimeWire users also. Shareaza is not spyware, does not come bundled with any adware, and the creator has as yet indicated absolutely no interest in making any money from Shareaza. So why don't you keep your mouth shut about things you're completly ignorant about. You just end up making a fool out of yourself.

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old November 4th, 2002
Join Date: November 2nd, 2002
Posts: 6
chelsie is flying high
Default slow down

come on guys lets be friends.

since i last spoke i have again tryed limewire.

1) i can browes some but not all
2) still no chat yet.
3) getting lots of hits from people who want my gear but still no up loads i'm afraid.

shame really,

is it to do with anything in my setting folks.

Chel xxx
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old November 4th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Lightbulb Re: slow down

Originally posted by chelsie
come on guys lets be friends.

since i last spoke i have again tryed limewire.

1) i can browes some but not all
2) still no chat yet.
3) getting lots of hits from people who want my gear but still no up loads i'm afraid.

shame really,

is it to do with anything in my setting folks.

Chel xxx
Goto my web site and select an email address from the Contact us link.

Send me a email message with the subject: p2p-assistance-request).

From there we can coordinate a time to test these features and and I can give you some feed back on the problems.

Hope this helps.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old November 4th, 2002
Join Date: July 19th, 2001
Posts: 27
cmcnulty is flying high

Whatever Peerless, if you had bothered to do a simple search of my posts, you'd know that I'm not a troll. However when people are looking for help and you give useless information or mislead people, I'm going to call you on it.

I never said that it was impossible to intercept gnutella chat messages, just the opposite in fact, but the point you were trying to make was that because of that Shareaza sucked. I was simply pointing out the fact that the Shareaza system interacts and is equal to the LimeWire chat system. I never insulted you, just your uninformed posts. You don't reply to any of my comments, you just start name calling.

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  #10 (permalink)  
Old November 5th, 2002
Join Date: July 19th, 2001
Posts: 27
cmcnulty is flying high

Peerless, first of all, I don't know where you get off assuming how much I know about Linux. I have installed Linux and I've got LimeWire running on it.

Concerning the post that you call a Flame, let me ask you this. If someone was having problem installing MS Word on their Windows computer, would you suggest that they install a Mac Emulator and then try to install MS Word for Mac on top of the emulator? No, of course not, that would be ridiculously complicated and would probably cause more problems. And yet that's what you advocated this person do who couldn't get LimeWire running on thier Linux box. Furthermore, you advocated this having NEVER done it yourself, but simply on the advice of some friend of yours who thinks it might be possible.

I did provide helpful advice in that thread. I told them to ignore your post, because it was stupid advice. I didn't have a solution to their problem, but I wanted to make sure they didn't follow your incredibly bad advice. In that post, I didn't call you stupid, nor have I ever. I did however call you advice stupid and ignorant which it definitely was.

I like LimeWire and I come here to both give and ask for helpful advice. It ****** me off when people like you feel the need to try to help everyone that posts, even when you clearly don't know what you're talking about. You can call it whatever you want, but if you keep posting stupid advice, I'm going to keep telling people that it's dumb, and to ignore it.

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