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  #1 (permalink)  
Old November 6th, 2002
Posts: n/a
Default Finally the new G2 network

I was at Shareaza and dowloaded thier new version of 1.7- now granted its still a beta - but WOW it rivals Kazaa in speed - read about it at Finally someone is implementing a protocol and is going to pull gnutella out of the ice age. When do you think limewire is going to adopt it?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old November 6th, 2002
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Thumbs down Hmmmm.....

Careful now.... you don't want to sound like you're promoting other gnutella clients in this LW forum!... it's politically incorrect! and... needless to say, other members of this board will very quickly flame your butt.

As far as the G2 protocol.... it will only take off if other clients buy into it!... otherwise it will just become a private network, which won't truly benefit anyone.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old November 6th, 2002
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Thumbs up

Level One: A New Protocol
Gnutella2 introduces a flexible new protocol to support current and future P2P technologies. Packets are compact binary trees of named data items, which allow multi-vendor information nesting and augmentation, selective digital signing and other exciting features. Existing data structures can be modified and improved without disrupting deployed software, and advanced topics such as UNICODE support are handled in a uniform manner.

Level Two: A New Data Transport ArchitectureGnutella2 provides two interdependent data transport mechanisms: reliable compressed TCP streams, andan unreliable and semi-reliable UDP transport provider. The combination of these two systems allow higherlevel G2 constructs to take maximum advantage of network conditions to deliver data packets quicklyand efficiently, with or without assured delivery, within bandwidth requirements and without unnecessaryoverhead.

Level Three: A New Set of Base ServicesGnutella2 takes full advantage of the first two levels to deliver an exciting new set of distributedpeer-to-peer services. Controlled global object searching is implemented using an iterative walkerapproach, with selective out of band response delivery and translation. Combined with an abstractcomponent interest/response query model, this system goes beyond what is available in any other P2Pplatform. The Gnutella Addressing System (GAS) provides the ability to reach arbitary nodes basedon a known identifier, regardless of their connection method.

Level Four: A New Implementation StandardOne of the problems facing the legacy Gnutella network was the varying level of support for criticalnetwork features in different clients. The Gnutella2 Standard requires clients to implement thefirst two levels completely, as well as the dual transport providers with some form of intelligent bandwidth control, 1-bit universal QHT, simple search response, basic metadata (at minimum),simple query language, link compression, root tigertree as the primary URN, HTTP/1.1, partialtransfer and sharing. If able to operate as a hub, the full set of generic routing rules must besupported. Support for G1 is recommended but not required.

G2 is a new beginning for the Gnutella network : an open, scalable and flexible protocol designed to support current and future P2P technologies.
Full specifications will be available soon.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old November 6th, 2002
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sberlin is flying high

actually, LimeWire proposed the essentials of it awhile ago. LimeWire just decided to show the rest of the Gnutella developers the proposal so that it could be implemented in lots of clients, and also so the other gnutella developers could have input in how the proposal would be finalized.

Shareaza decided to go ahead and do their own thing, using key parts from everyone else's ideas, branding it gnutella2 for marketting, but not letting any other developer know about until approximately yesterday.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old November 6th, 2002
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Angry Now that's not nice...

Originally posted by sberlin
actually, LimeWire proposed the essentials of it awhile ago. LimeWire just decided to show the rest of the Gnutella developers the proposal so that it could be implemented in lots of clients, and also so the other gnutella developers could have input in how the proposal would be finalized.

Shareaza decided to go ahead and do their own thing, using key parts from everyone else's ideas, branding it gnutella2 for marketting, but not letting any other developer know about until approximately yesterday.
Sounds like Shareaza isn't sharing!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old November 6th, 2002
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Question What now

Originally posted by sberlin
Shareaza decided to go ahead and do their own thing, using key parts from everyone else's ideas, branding it gnutella2 for marketting, but not letting any other developer know about until approximately yesterday.
So how do we think LimeWire will respond to this.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old November 6th, 2002
Posts: n/a

As soon as it's out of beta, the protocol will be released.

It must be pretty damn good, peeps over at ZeroPaid are talking about ditching Kazaa for it, so it can't be that shabby.

I'm on a Mac, so I can't use it. I will just have to wait for Limewire to implement it, so Acquisition can.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old November 6th, 2002
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sberlin is flying high

well rutro, from the way things look right now, although people are somewhat upset (and rightfully so) over the clandestine [ ] development/release of G2, most folks think that gnutella got a sorely-needed boost in popularity... so once the specs are released, i'd expect most clients to incorporate it.

i hope it works out.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old November 6th, 2002
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Originally posted by sberlin
well rutro, from the way things look right now, although people are somewhat upset (and rightfully so) over the clandestine [ ] development/release of G2, most folks think that gnutella got a sorely-needed boost in popularity... so once the specs are released, i'd expect most clients to incorporate it.

i hope it works out.
A popularity boost for gnutella is needed... and if G2 will facilitate that, I'm all for it!
If it works out (hope it does)... I'll be looking forward to LimeWire incorporating G2.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old November 10th, 2002
Join Date: October 28th, 2002
Posts: 6
tbone89 is flying high

Strangely with such a large development being released as the "G2" (forget for now whether it was right or wrong) I find it disturbing that there's so little discussion about it. I found that the only real discussion is taking place at the shareaza website forums and strangely hardly a peep from the limewire community. Why?

I'm not a programmer, but I know some of you who are reading this thread are. What is likelyhood of "g2" (or whatever its going to be called) incorperation into limewire code and if so when? 2 weeks 2 months next spring?
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