November 17th, 2002
Totally Messed! I myself like the idea of Limewire, it's cool.. and can be useful for distributing good material! (dreaming of a utopia, artists finishing a song and smiling as their art is shared with the world, hopefully benefitting them somehow in the end, but anyway)
BUT! and there's a big but.. slimy ppl are still going to always be around to ruin the whole thing. I've had "surprise" BAD porn before.. why is limewire as a whole still running and allowing those files to be tossed around! hell anyone who's had this happen to them _could_ get in bad trouble!
If anyone that develops this stuff is listening.. why can't there be a reporting type system as well? someone stumbles on something illegal, they should be able to alert the network and bam.. that file just goes *poof* and is not able to be downloaded by anyone else.. I think millions should be spent on this idea and not prosecuting Bobby who just wanted to listen to what his new fave groups album sounded like before he pays for the better quality actual CD... isn't that what this is all about? I found out about jurassic 5 from limewire, and now I own the CD... everyone's happy! :-)
anyways, just thought I'd throw my pennies in.. Bad Porn should be gone ASAP.. |