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  #11 (permalink)  
Old March 10th, 2003
Join Date: December 28th, 2002
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SlowMoe is flying high
Default Shareaza is better

I don't want to start any flame wars, but I was like you guys also. I tried the free version of Limewire, and gave the idea of paying some thought. I noticed Shareaza had all of the features Limewire did, plus countless others. The main point here is that Shareaza is not only spyware free, it also is FREE.

Limewire collects money to improve the Gnutella Network, to me thats bullshit. Shareaza with only one developer outplayed, outsmarted, and outlasted Limewire, Bearshare, Xolox, and the list goes on. Honestly ask each other where does that money go to buy a worthless Pro version. I'm sure that money hasn't so far helped the network. This is a case of a developer selling out for money while still proclaiming that thier in it for the user. Shareaza is free, and does not need a PRO version because its official free public releases are that good. The creator of Shareaza hasn't sold out "yet", and maybe will never sell out.

I see that you guys are paying for something wich isn't good. Try Shareaza it is the solution to you problems.

Download Shareaza
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old March 10th, 2003
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et voilà is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel
Thumbs down

yeah whatever Slowmoe..... shareaza is a nasty client by it's social behavior and act as a cancer... avoid!!!
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old March 10th, 2003
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It's no good for the mac. I hear bearshare is better than limewire but again, no good for the mac.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old March 10th, 2003
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SlowMoe is flying high
Default Shareaza breed's envy

Originally posted by et voilà
yeah whatever Slowmoe..... shareaza is a nasty client by it's social behavior and act as a cancer... avoid!!!

That is the stupidest reply ever, are you still reffering to the naming of Gnutella2/ "MP". Come on and grow up, just stop whining. If thier is technical reasoning then your post is justified, but in this case it isn't.

Social behaviour? Start thinking about your pocket, you are paying for a far less superior program. When a better solution is already free and far superior. Also, what social implication is it when that software throws a bunch of Spyware into your drive.

PS. Once you are in a P2P environment, and are committed in downloading and sharing copyrighted materials. You already are breaking one major Social rule. "Thy shalt not STEAL", so don't be a hypocrite ok. In a P2P network most of us are crooks, and thier is no honour between crooks. Social Behaviour's are cast out the window in P2P environments, as soon as you break that "devine" law.

"Bad Social Behaviour", What kind of baseless argument is that. Little one please grow up and give a strong argument stating facts, rather than throwing down my argument with such nonsense.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old March 11th, 2003
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Oh no, everybody run.
Shareaza Nazis!!!
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old March 11th, 2003
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I think you should allow free upgrdes during a 12-month month period. Whatever you do, please keep paying customers like me in the loop. Thanks.

P Tobin
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old March 13th, 2003
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Originally posted by
It's no good for the mac. I hear bearshare is better than limewire but again, no good for the mac.
No, Bearshare IS NOT better than LimeWire. I tried most of the Gnutella clients, and Limewire seems to be the best of them.
My only problem is content, which is the networks problem, not the clients.

And mine, of course
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old April 1st, 2003
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I've tried them all, and they all seem to work fine for me. My current concern with limewire and the requests to upgrade ..... is that after 2.3.3 they killed all options of allowing me (on my 45MEG DS3, to connect to more than 12 hosts at a time. This dropped my available connected data from 1500TeraBytes down to merely 5-10Terabytes at best. (usually I would connect to 99 hosts at a time - so long as my CPU held up - because my Internet never got clogged.)

I decided that this is when the Network took a severe drop in quality. I cannot connect to as many places, so i no longer feel the need to leave my client up 24/7 anymore, and allow my hundreds of Gigs of data to the world. I figure many others are doing this too.

Another important fact is that they have destroyed the requery system, so it makes no sense to leave our limewires running since no matter how long we use it, it wont get files accept while we are actively sitting at the computer to manually re-search.

If I get daring, I may download the open source, and hack it to allow me to more fully utilize my Internet connection, and put back the features that I need to successfully collect 20gig a day, as was possible before.

But for now, even though i use 2.9.8 with an average of 500gig available to me (lame - because it only connects to 3 hosts!), I still usually find 99% of my files using 2.3.3 and dont intend to upgrade it.

In the meantime, I do find best success by attempting to load multiple software clients at once. None really seems to outshine any other yet.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old April 2nd, 2003
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trap_jaw is flying high

You cannot hack LimeWire into doing requeries because other LimeWires will filter those requeries when they encounter them. LimeWire completely disabled queries by hash.

Besides 2.3.3 requeries have been filtered by all LimeWire ultrapeers for a long time, so your requeries never actually improved your download experience.
Morgens ess ich Cornflakes und abends ess ich Brot
Und wenn ich lang genug gelebt hab, dann sterb ich und bin tot

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  #20 (permalink)  
Old April 2nd, 2003
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Thanks for the update. Possibly some other clients accept requeries... besides limewire, and perhaps some older limewire clients still accept them. I agree with you that if limewire is filtering them, then it would not make a significant improvement to my download experience. But at the moment, I still tend find quite a few requiries working. I can only attribute this to the fact that there are older limewire clients and non-limewire clients connected to the same network.

I do appreciate your explanation, and I will forget the idea about hacking it to work, since I cannot affect the filters of everyone else.
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