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Doinitsidewayz February 19th, 2003 10:05 AM

Get your crap off the network
All you retards with partial songs and things that aren't even playable files need to get that **** out of a shared folder. I don't care if you like it, just keep it off the network

irregularjoe February 20th, 2003 09:39 PM

pretty nasty post. Oh, I see it's from a "guest". I guess it's easy to be a jerk when no one can see you.

Spaceman February 20th, 2003 11:02 PM

Why do some people kill your upload with 5 seconds left?
I have just spent 5 hours obeserving if this CHUMP is gunna let me upload a paticular Edit song. Guess what? Nope... The man with the most rocks i guess...or is it marbles? He is in Chat mode....

I listened to a download of a favorite and a classic that i had downloaded here. It started 24 bars into the solo ( yes jazz ) and the fool that recorded this probably has no idea that he had destroyed a classic.

Question: Is it just me , or is it the current music of the day (i will assume younger people) are MUCH MORE eager to share? And also with faster connections allowing MORE uploads therefore increasing the network....



Spaceman February 20th, 2003 11:02 PM

Why do some people kill your upload with 5 seconds left?
I have just spent 5 hours obeserving if this CHUMP is gunna let me upload a paticular Edit song. Guess what? Nope... The man with the most rocks i guess...or is it marbles? He is in Chat mode....

I listened to a download of a favorite and a classic that i had downloaded here. It started 24 bars into the solo ( yes jazz ) and the fool that recorded this probably has no idea that he had destroyed a classic.

Question: Is it just me , or is it the current music of the day (i will assume younger people) are MUCH MORE eager to share? And also with faster connections allowing MORE uploads therefore increasing the network....



Spaceman February 20th, 2003 11:03 PM

Why do some people kill your upload with 5 seconds left?
I have just spent 5 hours obeserving if this CHUMP is gunna let me upload a paticular Edit song. Guess what? Nope... The man with the most rocks i guess...or is it marbles? He is in Chat mode....

I listened to a download of a favorite and a classic that i had downloaded here. It started 24 bars into the solo ( yes jazz ) and the fool that recorded this probably has no idea that he had destroyed a classic.

Question: Is it just me , or is it the current music of the day (i will assume younger people) are MUCH MORE eager to share? And also with faster connections allowing MORE uploads therefore increasing the network....



Gratis February 25th, 2003 06:16 AM

I second doinitsidewayz, and I am a member. Why are people sharing temp files/nonworking files/broken files/files they won't share?

BrianWorf February 25th, 2003 01:54 PM

I have noticed that by default, my limewire shares my incomplete folder, which would allow people to try and download incomplete files. Even when I remove it from the shared directory, the file names are still on the shared list, and I see people attempting to download those files, getting a "file not available" error. I try and routinely clear the incomplete folder of the non-finished files...

Sleipner February 26th, 2003 10:21 AM

I agree much crap out there! putting a damp on the network performance becuase of all hits on crap!

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