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angrymom March 3rd, 2003 07:54 AM

porn popups
Can anyone tell me how to completely delete the files that are allowing those horrible porn popups? Whenever I get one, Limeshop Preferences is a option when I right click on tje site. But nothing happens when I click on those words. I have deleted Limewire and Limeshop from my hard drive but I still get the popups. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Julie Z March 3rd, 2003 09:09 AM

Try reading through this thread. There are some ideas there about how to delete it.

It's the first thread in Open Discussion. Titled: "German Porn Dialler".

Good luck!


angrymom March 3rd, 2003 01:44 PM

Porn popups, not dialers
I appreciate the help, but in reading through it, the ideas were for porn dialup sites, not popups. Someone made the statement that they were a whole other issue. Does anyone have any ideas for the popups?

JayDog March 12th, 2003 09:41 PM

Try downloading "Spybot SD" (Spybot Search and Destroy) and update when you get it. Its freeware and can easily be found by searching google. It worked for me when xupiter hijacked my computer. good luck.

JayDog March 12th, 2003 09:45 PM

If spybot doesnt work, wich it should, try adaware from lavasoft. It might be necessary to use both, if it is a tricky program.

piagi9 March 13th, 2003 02:11 AM

Stick with SpyBot . It's only a little more thorough than Ad-Aware, but better is better.

angrymom March 13th, 2003 07:01 AM

Porn pop-ups
Thanks for your suggestions. I ended up loading McAfee's Internet Security program. That stopped the software from loading the pop-ups and I could choose to let it connect or not. I found out the program was called RapidBlaster that was allowing them to pop-up and deleted that from my hard drive. I haven't had any trouble with them since so I think I have the problem solved.

unhappy March 28th, 2003 12:50 PM

I found out that my 12yr son is downloading graphic
pornography off limewire. Mainly quicktime
movies. I don't know what pop-ups or dialers
are ... but does the Macafee
program stop all access. I tried it myself by typing in the word BLOW. and got lots of mp3 entrys
but also lots of blow job mpegs. How would the Macfee program stop this? Thanks for any help

trap_jaw March 28th, 2003 01:42 PM

McAfee cannot filter Gnutella traffic. If you want to block adult content with LimeWire go to the LimeWire options ->filters->keywords and check the "Ignore Adult Content" check box.

If you want to block all videos, you can enter additional keywords to filter at the same place. Just add the following words "mpg", "mpeg", "avi", "mov", "qt", "rm", "asf", "wmv" and "ram" to the keyword filter and almost all videos will be blocked.

unhappy March 28th, 2003 02:48 PM

Thanks for that last reply about Mcafee and how to filter out these videos. One more question-
if I set these preferences, can they be changed
by my son ( once he figures out what I've done)
or is there a password/ authorized supervisor
sort of thing? Thanks

trap_jaw March 28th, 2003 03:10 PM

Your son can change the options again.

Joakim Agren March 29th, 2003 08:22 AM


To censur access to different content on the Internet for your son is a really bad idea. It will only lead to more pornwatching just to do the opposite of what you wants him to do. The chance is that he know more about computers then you do and hence he will easily undo what you have done. It would not surprise me if he would came here to the Gnutella forums and asking us for a solution to the problem that you created. The only right thing to do is to talk to your son about computer usage and that you do not want him to visit and or view porn because it is a bad influence when it comes to the way he will see women(objectification). If you do not want to do that then you should not allow him to have a computer in a secluded area in his room instead he should be using it in a more public area of your home such as the livingroom or maybe kitchen or hallroom so that you or someone else will see what he is doing online( I can guarantee he will not watch porn in the face of you or someone else in your family). I and my friend was not allowed to have our own computers in our own rooms just for that reason around 6 years ago when we had not reached the age of 18. But now I dont use my computer for porn either simply because I do not like it.

angrymom March 29th, 2003 05:23 PM

Re: pornography

Originally posted by unhappy
Thanks for that last reply about Mcafee and how to filter out these videos. One more question-
if I set these preferences, can they be changed
by my son ( once he figures out what I've done)
or is there a password/ authorized supervisor
sort of thing? Thanks

I have found the best way to filter all porn or other sites that I do not want my son to see is using McAfee's internet security programs. You are set up as the administrator and you can set the parameters you want for your son and any other members of your family separately. He will not be able to change these unless he knows how to hack into the computer and found out your passwords (I would suggest adding the word "hack" and "hacking" into the list that you can edit for words that you do want allowed when your son does searches on the internet). I first used McAfee's Parental Control software but it did not stop the porn pop-ups. I then downloaded McAfee Internet Security that did stop the pop-ups. When the undesired sites try to connect to your computer, the administrator has to okay them before they are allowed. I was then able to find out where these were coming from and was able to stop them in their tracks. My son doesn't like it because sometimes good sites are blocked and he has to ask me to put in the password, but I would rather he be mad than have that filthy porn coming up even when no one is looking for it. Watch out for the file RapidBlaster on your computer and delete it immediately. It was loaded on without our knowledge through one of these MPG loading site. Good luck!

angrymom March 29th, 2003 05:29 PM


Originally posted by Joakim Agren

To censur access to different content on the Internet for your son is a really bad idea. It will only lead to more pornwatching just to do the opposite of what you wants him to do. The chance is that he know more about computers then you do and hence he will easily undo what you have done. It would not surprise me if he would came here to the Gnutella forums and asking us for a solution to the problem that you created. The only right thing to do is to talk to your son about computer usage and that you do not want him to visit and or view porn because it is a bad influence when it comes to the way he will see women(objectification). If you do not want to do that then you should not allow him to have a computer in a secluded area in his room instead he should be using it in a more public area of your home such as the livingroom or maybe kitchen or hallroom so that you or someone else will see what he is doing online( I can guarantee he will not watch porn in the face of you or someone else in your family). I and my friend was not allowed to have our own computers in our own rooms just for that reason around 6 years ago when we had not reached the age of 18. But now I dont use my computer for porn either simply because I do not like it.

Thanks for the advice, but the computer is not in his room. We have two computers side by side in a common office area that the whole family uses. He was not looking for these sites but the software had automatically loaded when he loaded LimeWire or some other MP3 file software. Then we got the pop-ups at all times and in any program while we were on the computer. I found the file only by loading an Internet Security software from McAfee.

unhappy March 31st, 2003 08:45 AM

pornography on limewire
Thank you everyone for your advice - technical and otherwise. It has been very helpful. I have one more technical question. Is is possible to burn these mpeg files
( the quicktime movies) onto CDs - the same way you make a music CD? We don't have a DVD burner, just a CD burner. I'm wondering if this is a way to have these movies without keeping them on the computer. Thanks

concerned mom March 31st, 2003 12:03 PM

burning movies
I am not sure about burning movies onto CD's as I have only tried music files. Maybe someone else can help you with that. Good luck.

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