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Open Discussion topics Discuss the time of day, whatever you want to. This is the hangout area. If you have LimeWire problems, post them here too.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old June 25th, 2001
Posts: n/a
Angry ****! Help!

OK I loaded this becase I had kazaa and kazaa kept freezing my entire system.

How the hell do I use this? How do I know when, where, etc. the files download to?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old June 25th, 2001
Join Date: June 13th, 2001
Posts: 6
Digitalmonkey is flying high
Default Help on the way....

Not to be a dick....but have you tried reading the help files?

I don't mean to be sarcastic in any way.
But the help files are really easy to use and understand.
(Although, this is not an indiot proof app like Kazaa).

At least you have taken the first step and left those awful browser based clients. (Kazaa and Morphius are notorious for being VERY buggy. They both messed up my system bad.)

Here is the basics though....

Go to OPTIONS, under TOOLS on the toolbar.

1) Under the first tab, SHARING, you can set the path for where to put saved files, and where to look for shared files.

2) 2nd TAB is Network....don't screw with this unless you know what it all means. IT will work fine in the default config.

3) 3rd Tab is DOWNLOADS, this is all self-explanitory.

4) 4th Tab is UPLOADS. Here you can set how many uploads you will allow, and the amount of bandwidth you will allow. BE NICE. Allow as much as you think your connection can handle. For example, I have a very fast cable connection, so I allow 10-20 uploads (although I do monitor them to see how much bandwidth they are taking). As for the bandwidth bar, be fair and put it to half. After all, without sharing files, this whole thing is useless.

Ignore the last 2 tabs. Unless you know what they do, best not to screw with them. And if you have to ask, then you don't know what it does.

Ok, now hit ok.

Hit the CONNECTIONS tab.
Depending on your connection speed, choose anywhere from 2-8 as your maximum connections. Use the default servers for now. You can screw with that as you learn more. As a good benchmark, I used 10 connections when I started, but that slowed me down. Instead I use 4-6 now. After all, you still get to see most of the stuff out there. Less pipes help you in the long run since you won't be passing on too much traffic (message traffic).

And that's it in a nut-shell. Be good...SHARE YOUR FILES!!!
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old June 25th, 2001
Posts: n/a


I forgot to mention that I read ALL the help files.

I will try this. I got a 60 gig HD with 30 gigs of **** loaded. I am sharing away!!!
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old June 25th, 2001
Posts: n/a

OK dumb question now...

HOW do I download. I clicked the file and selected download any and nothing has happened.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old June 26th, 2001
Join Date: June 13th, 2001
Posts: 6
Digitalmonkey is flying high
Default Downloading....

If you doubleclick on a file, it should appear in the download window, and attempt to connect.

Although its been my experience that only 2 of 15 files I choose actually download because of all the heavy traffic.

It it does not appear in the download window, try highlighting a file, and right-clicking on it and select download any/all.

It that doesn't work...then you got me.

Good luck!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old June 27th, 2001
Axe Axe is offline
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Join Date: May 29th, 2001
Location: Northern Hemisphere
Posts: 70
Axe is flying high

Just a remark: very nice (and I really mean nice) guidance to new users in this forum. In any newsgroup you would have earned a RTFM.....

(BTW: Reading the FAQ is also very helpful in most cases....)
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