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MarkM March 25th, 2003 05:23 PM

LOL at Limewire's hipocrisy
Today on Slashdot posted Adam Fisk from Limwire:

Gnutella2, or "Mike's Protocol," has some interesting properties. It has nothing whatsoever to do with Gnutella, however. It's a separate protocol that is bootstrapping off of the Gnutella name to do things like get on Slashdot, and everyone here is falling for it.
Characterizations of Gnutella as a simple, old protocol reflect a woeful ignorance of the many innovations that have emerged from Gnutella. In fact, much of Mike's Protocol calls "Gnutella 2" are innovations developed on Gnutella itself. These aren't simply close copies -- the protocols he cites are, in fact, Gnutella protocols. There are many more innovations happening on Gnutella as we speak, and the highjacking of the Gnutella name by Mike has weakened the fabric of an otherwise strong and open development community.

We should all support open networks by supporting Gnutella. Gnutella2 offers interesting alternatives, but is no better than the work currently occurring on Gnutella. What's more, few if any Gnutella developers will ever support Gnutella2 because of the divisive way that it was introduced, permanently fracturing the Gnutella community, with almost all of the Gnutella community still working on Gnutella because they were never told of the so-called Gnutella2 until it was slashdotted, much as we're seeing today.

If you support open protocols, support the original Gnutella. Gnutella2 does not solve any problems not currently solved by the original Gnutella clients. It simply creates division.

And here the best answer I have ever seen on Adam's and Vinnie's claims!
Also from Slashdot, don't miss it...... *grin* :D

Linux, or "Linus' Operating System", has some interesting properties. It has nothing whatsoever to do with Minix, however. It's a separate protocol that is bootstrapping off of the Minix name to do things like get on Slashdot, and everyone here is falling for it.
Characterizations of Minix a simple, old operating system reflect a woeful ignorance of the many innovations that have emerged from Gnutella. In fact, much of what Linus' Operating System calls "Linux" are innovations developed on Minix itself. These aren't simply close copies -- the protocols he cites are, in fact, Minix protocols. There are many more innovations happening on Minix as we speak, and the highjacking of the Minix name by Linus has weakened the fabric of an otherwise strong and open development community.

We should all support open operating systems by supporting Minix. Linux offers interesting alternatives, but is no better than the work currently occurring on Minix. What's more, few if any Minix developers will ever support Linux because of the divisive way that it was introduced, permanently fracturing the Minix community, with almost all of the Minix community still working on Minix because they were never told of the so-called Linux until the first release came out, much as we're seeing today.

If you support open protocols, support the original Minix. Linux does not solve any problems not currently solved by the original Minix operating system. It simply creates division.

et voilà March 25th, 2003 06:12 PM

Hi to you, ashitaka or one of his disciples....
First, the second post is very funny and it's a great analogy. However, I believe the first post is correct, by following the shareaza saga or tragi-comédie shoul I say.


trap_jaw March 26th, 2003 12:01 AM

Has Shareaza stopped leeching from the Gnutella network? Shareaza 1.8 still forwarded queries from Gnutella2 to Gnutella (but not in the other direction).

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