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  #11 (permalink)  
Old June 28th, 2001
Posts: n/a

Funny, when I dowload MP3s I also have to tolerate kidporn... what a strange idea. I guess someone is afraid of loosing his kidporn source. Downloading MP3 is legal in my country or philosphy (ist still buy CDs to support my favourite artists), but I won't support sexual abuse of children.
However I still wonder if trading kidporn is happening inside Gnutell or only a very little vanishing fraction.
rata1939 likes this.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old June 28th, 2001
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Tomato is flying high

Unbelievable. Even if MP3 downloading might me against the law. How can anyone compare this with kid porn?

It's like anyone who drove to fast with his car is also a murderer?

Well I found my solution:

I added a bunch of words into my limewire filters. That won't help against the problem of kidporn, but that will never be solved. BUT it helps me from getting those files and that's all I need until now.

Ps (OT):@moak
Funny that two german guys have to talk english to themselves. Siegmund Freud would be very interested...
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old July 4th, 2001
Axe Axe is offline
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Axe is flying high

Cant agree with that comparison too. There's a wide range between what's legal, what the music industry thinks is legal, and what is illegal according to 'normal' accepted social standards.

Kiddie porn is unacceptable by any standards (and by luck, I never had any accidental downloads).

@tomato, moak: not two, but three......(but even in the office I mostly speak english. This is normal business, and noth special for Sigmund anymore. Beside this it widens the range of listeners

Last edited by Axe; July 4th, 2001 at 06:16 AM.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old July 4th, 2001
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Default Kiddie Porn

Heheh, ok, my two cents on this.

I'm Canadian, and I've been on the internet a *long* time. About three years ago, I was working in the R&D department of a large ISP in Calgary, Alberta - there was a guy I knew in another department, seemed pretty nice. He was just in the process of becoming one of our group of friends, when suddenly he was fired. I saw him once more after that, and then haven't heard about him - except in the newspaper - since.

What happened was this - he was running a tiny FTP server on his new ADSL connection, with an upload/download ratio set - in order to download, you first have to upload. You know the type, with a bot on IRC advertising in the #whatever-sex channels... He didn't set up his server properly, though, and after uploading a file, you could download from any section of his site, including the "uploads" area.

Well, he went away for a weekend, and when he returned, he found the police waiting for him at his apartment. He was read his rights and taken into custody - where he found out that he was being charged with distribution of child pornography. It turned out that while he was away, his FTP server had had a pile of pics uploaded - a police officer from Germany, of all places, had logged on later, found these pictures, and notified the Calgary Police - within a few hours, they had a warrant for his arrest, seized his computers, and were waiting for him.

He sounds innocent - right? Not really - you're responsible for what your computer offers for distribution, so the case went to court. I have no idea what happened in the case, but the fact remains - the newspapers got ahold of the story, and it was front-page news (as usual) that a child pornographer was busted. What's worse, he was 19 years old - when you're over 18, in Canada, they can release your name and photograph, which they put on the front page of the paper. He lost his job *instantly* - I shudder to think of what happened to him if he actually went to jail over this, he probably wouldn't survive.

Kiddie porn, in my opinion, is just intrinsically *wrong* - but there's still a part of me that will defend freedom of speech. Just don't forget how incredibly *dangerous* is is to have it!!!! It can literally destroy your life; I've seen it happen.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old November 29th, 2004
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heliarc is flying high

All you need to do is take note of the I.P. address.Then you can report it to the proper authorities.You don't have to verify it.They can do it and you won't have to have it on your hard drive ever.Anyone who would download something even named that way is sick and needs put away as far as I care.

Anyone who downloaded that stuff by mistake.Just deleting the files isn't enough if your hard drive is ever investigated.As we all know you can still recover it.Format your hard drive, burn it, run a big magnet over the ashes, have it degaussed.

Best bet is to not download anything if you don't think you can trust it.The icons indicate wheter it's a picture file,program, document, audio or video.So if your searching for a document and a bucnh of audio and video files come up you can eliminate those right away.Another thing to look out for are those "Lolita" files.
They're usually the bad ones.If Lolita ever comes up don't ever get them
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old November 29th, 2004
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a bunch of audio and video files come up you can eliminate those right away
You can also filter them out of your searches. Using your keyword filters you can add words like: .jpg, wmv, .exe or/& others to rid of the spam & other rubbish. You can also remove any of the filters at any time as it suits you. Ticking the ignore adult content option can also help. Where do you find these? For windows: Tools>Options>Filters>keywords & pressing Apply for immediate effect.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old July 7th, 2005
Join Date: July 7th, 2005
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davispan is flying high

Is it possible for an outside user (user A) to hack into a computer
running P2P software such as Limewire (user B)? User B may be running the computer on an unsecured wireless network.

I know that there is a security flaw allowing user A to read user B's files...but what I need to know is whether user A can actually add files to user B's computer, or hack into user B's computer and cause it to appear as if user B was sending certain files, when in actuality it is user A making unauthorized use of user B's computer?

Thanks for any help
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old July 7th, 2005
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AFAIK the answer is no. Person A can only browse or downld files that are shared by person B & vice versa. There was a security issue that was fixed with LW version 4.8.1 so the only accessible files are those that are shared! Double-check your folders that are being shared (Tools>Options>Sharing)

But you should keep an active firewall, anti-virus program with up to date definitions, & the following programs (click green links):

ad-ware (FREE)

Spybot - Search & Destroy (FREE)

Peerguardian (FREE)

There has been a no. of viruses being found across the gnutella network, so check all files you're downlding.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old October 25th, 2008
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evilacid is flying high

:P blah blah blah damn porn freaks get the real deal its alot better
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old December 12th, 2008
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I Share mp3’s and Movies and yes that is illegal but doing that verses trading kiddy porn
Is like jaywalking too murdering someone and you call that person lame for making that comparison. How often in the news do you here that “John Doe” was arrested for downloading music for his personal use. And do they make us music and music sharers register for public safety! If you had a cop standing behind you would you download Music or some kiddy porn.
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