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  #1 (permalink)  
Old July 21st, 2003
Join Date: April 24th, 2002
Location: Cambridge
Posts: 12
elbers_e is flying high
Default NastyGram from BSA

Has Anyone else been getting Notifications from their service provider about copyright infringements reported by the BSA?

I am not sure how best to handle this. My provider has threatened to terminate my service if I get another complaint.

Monday, June 30, 2003

Comcast Cable Communications, Inc.
3 Executive Campus
Cherry Hill, NJ 08002 US

RE: Unauthorized Distribution of the following copyrighted computer progra=

Adobe Acrobat
Avid ProTools

Dear Sir/Madam:

The Business Software Alliance (BSA) has determined that the connection lis=
ted below, which appears to be using an Internet account under your control=
, is using a Gnutella network to offer unlicensed copies of copyrighted com=
puter programs published by the
BSA's member companies.

Infringement Details:

Last Found: 27 Jun 2003 05:08:34 EDT (GMT -0400)
Network: LimeWire
IP Address: XX.XX.XX.XX
IP Port: 6346
Protocol: Gnutella

What was located as infringing content:=20
Filename: Adobe Acrobat 5.0 (OSX).sit (44,817kb)
Filename: Adobe Acrobat 5.0.sit (129,790kb)
Filename: ProTools 5 Gold (ALL).sit (11,018kb)

The above computer program(s) is/are being made available for copying, thro=
ugh downloading, at the above location without authorization from the copyr=
ight owner(s).

Based upon BSA's representation of the copyright owners in anti-piracy matt=
ers, we have a good faith belief that none of the materials or activities=20=
listed above have been authorized by the rightholders, their agents, or the=
law. BSA represents that the information in this notification is accurate=
and states, under penalty of perjury, that it is authorized to act in this=
matter on behalf of
the copyright owners listed above.

We are giving notice of these activities pursuant to Section 512 of Title=20=
17 of the U.S. Code (as enacted by the 'Online Copyright Infringement Liabi=
lity Limitation Act'). We expect that you will take expeditious action to=20=
remove or disable access to the materials described above, and thereby prev=
ent the illegal reproduction and distribution of pirated software via your=20=
company's network. As you know, illegal on-line activities can result in=20=
50 million people on the Internet accessing and downloading a copyrighted=20=
product worldwide without authorization - a highly damaging activity for=20=
the copyright holder.

We appreciate your cooperation in this matter. Please advise us regarding=20=
what actions you take.

Please include the following CaseID in any response you send: Case ID 82596=

Yours sincerely,

John R. Wolfe
Manager of Investigations
Business Software Alliance
1150 18th St NW Suite 700
Washington, DC
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