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  #11 (permalink)  
Old August 20th, 2003
Join Date: May 16th, 2003
Posts: 1,118
trap_jaw4 is flying high

What's wrong with you dude? Did your parents fail to beat you frequently enough when you were a child? And btw. according to Oxford's Dictonary Of Current English it spells 'instigator', the word 'instegator' is not defined and therefore has no meaning at all.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old August 20th, 2003
Posts: n/a

As I said, I can spell it anyway I want too. As for whats wrong with me I done nothing to this guy, not did I do anything to you so go **** your mom
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old August 20th, 2003
Posts: n/a

I can imagine what Trap Jaw has stuck in his jaw you kids go get a life. Im finished argueing with kids or at least thats what you two act like. Heck you two are probably the same person
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old August 20th, 2003
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Blackbird is flying high

Now now everyone.


Fine then, let us speak of your problem. What is it about limewire that you so despise? I used LW on OS 9.2.2 for a very long time and I was very pleased with it. How is your situation different?
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old August 20th, 2003
Posts: n/a

No Blackbird I do not hate limewire at all. Not even as half as bad as you might think. All I meant by my post was that when you get only about 15% of a download, Awaiting Sources pops up. and I was only pointing out that particular problem. There was absolutely no need for peerless or whatever a peerless is to come on here and put his 1cent in and say," With a nick like instegator what do you expect". I hadn't done anything to him and all I got was namecalling and some other fellow had to get on here and throw his voice in the wind and start his version of stupidity. I admit I stooped to his level on the last post but im not argueing with them any further

PS. (Blackbird)I was wrong about the Kazaa compatibility with mac, and I appreciate you being polite about it
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old August 20th, 2003
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stief has a spectacular aura about

btw, I asked one of my kids what they use for p2p on OSX, and the reply was "poisoned" Huh? Finally found a link ( and looks like it's source code is available too. I'm not sure of the differences between giFT/morpheus/KAzaa.

Glad to see you are trying to be more polite instegator. Your first post does seem more like a rant and thus is open to flames. It can be a fun way to get beyond 'yo momma' stuff.

When LW connects to more networks, (Acq's has taken/pirated LW code and also searches morpheus (Kazaa) servers), maybe the leeching of gnutella by the other networks can be turned into p2p sharing.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old August 20th, 2003
Posts: n/a

Well,I will respond to you since you are more civilized......
(stief wrote)
(Glad to see you are trying to be more polite instegator. Your first post does seem more like a rant and thus is open to flames. It can be a fun way to get beyond 'yo momma' stuff.)

When I posted my first post, I stated that I might be a little harsh but that I had to speak my mind. I did not directly say anything about anyone. If you will read on, you will see all the name calling and the unnecessary criticizing of my spelling. If peerless worked for LW then I might be able to understand why he jumped on to me but he said he has nothing to do with LW so therefore his statement about my nickname was uncalled for. He also done the same to brainiack. If you go to Sears tomorrow and buy something that didn't work , you took it back and told them that it was no good, Should the salesman criticize you and tell you that you essentially don't have the right to complain and start calling you names. If my point can't be seen then I have nothing more to say. Just remember, some of their post to me werent all that polite either just read them
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old August 20th, 2003
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stief has a spectacular aura about

Well, thank you. I guess I should be more grateful, but I'm not more civilized. Who am I talking to and how do you connect to gnutella?

I'm guessing you are a new user on a Mac PPC using OS 8.6 or 9.1.1 with LW Pro 3.4.5 and a modem or cable, not much RAM, and sharing a few files. My specs are much like blackbird's, but he's probably sharing more files.

You may not have intended to directly insult peerless, trap_jaw and others who freely give of their time and skill helping the LW project (and justifiaby get irritated with emotional problems). Software can't be insulted, but the people who help it develop can. Volunteers rightly expect more respect than Sear's salesmen, which isn't fair either.

If your question is really "why do so many of my downloads get interrupted?", please make it more direct and offer more details.

btw--did you mean to insult me too when you told me to read the posts? If so, don't worry--I understand.

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  #19 (permalink)  
Old August 20th, 2003
Posts: n/a

btw--did you mean to insult me too when you told me to read the posts? If so, don't worry--I understand.

No, there was no insult even thought of. I was merely just wondering why a couple people thought I was out of line when I was the one who first received an uncalled for name.
You explain yourself very good and have a good point. You make a lot of sense. But I still have to say on the other hand, that even though peerless may contribute alot to the forum, there is still no need to insult people you dont even know, especially when a post may not even be directed to them personally. Remember we all hear "not so good things" about something or someone at some point in their life. I hear complaints all the time about some of the things I like and support but I dont always strike back.If he doesn't understand that then mabe he will never. I just ask he dont be so rude just because someone has a complaint. I bet he doesn't go through life without a complaint
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old August 20th, 2003
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stief has a spectacular aura about

Ah! You weren't the first to receive "an uncalled for name."

As I tied to say above, saying "the software isn't worth a ****" is taken as a direct insult to all involved with that software. No one "owns" gnutella--LW is a key leader in a large group project. Insult LW and you insult all involved. "Insult my software, insult me"

Hope that helps you understand why more than a couple of people thought you were out of line and enjoyed seeing you get what you unknowingly asked for (unless you are a troll just out to instigate trouble by hiding behind an unregistered nick as some do). If you have any more questions about your posting style, you can probably get lots more answers.

This is all off-topic anyway--these forums are a lousy way to get personal therapy.

Did you want to introduce yourself and your specs and get back to the original problem?

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