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jhouse March 12th, 2004 12:09 PM

how does K-lite tie into Limewire??
I think I may have just gotten soaked for 20 bucks. . .I found a website, "K-lite", that claims to be a legit website for downloading mp3's, perfectly legally. I was looking for an mp3 that I couldn't find anywhere, I usually use MusicMatch and pay 99 cents a song in order to stay legal. ..

so, I paid K-lite 20 bucks through credit card, and then was directed to a page to download their stuff--and what I found to download was, Limewire, Bearshare, Kazaa and a lot of other file sharing programs that you can download anywhere for free!!

Is this a scam?? Is Limewire aware of this?

aharris March 12th, 2004 03:03 PM

We are aware of these companies but unfortunantely since they claim in their fine print that they meerely sell information to finding products, there is nothing that we can do about them legally. The only place to legitimately purchase LimeWire PRO is at The only place to download the free version of limewire is at I suggest contacting your credit card company and dispute the charge from and either download the free version or purchase the pro version from LimeWire.

Adam Harris
Business Devloper
Lime Wire LLC

jhouse March 12th, 2004 03:34 PM

well, I suppose that for $19 I call chalk it up to "tuition". . .;-)

In any case, Limewire is a really good program, so some good did come out of it!

ursula March 12th, 2004 05:01 PM

Hi, jhouse...

Please send to me, in a PM here, the address for the site running the rip-off scam.



stief March 12th, 2004 05:46 PM

found one of the links where a poster got a refund here.

Ursula--another scam was reported here

LAURALY November 3rd, 2004 09:08 PM

Alice's restaurant
Oh my gosh! I haven't heard anyone else mention that ever...My uncle always does the whole bit to that when we karoke...It is so funny...we have a great time with that one...:p

momshobby May 22nd, 2005 11:10 AM
I joined this site to download music and found out it was just links to free sites. I did this on Thurs. and cannot get in touch with anyone to find out about a refund. I can go to the bank Monday and put a stop on the online check. I would like to know if anyone ever gets their refund or if I should just go ahead and spend the money to stop payment? Any suggestions besides not be so stupid next time?

angeleyes0001_2 August 16th, 2006 07:07 AM

well I got scamed through I upgrded to pro and got ccharged twice of 18.88 I questioned ti by posting a message in the forum and got a response to log into the forum and go to thread post no.4ofLOTR but I dont see where is says anything obout no4.OS LOTR

garbagefan2 August 16th, 2006 07:15 AM

Did you refresh the page when you put in all your information? Or you accidentally baught it twice.

Lord of the Rings August 16th, 2006 07:17 AM

Payment & Account Activation issues. It does happen sometimes.

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