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  #11 (permalink)  
Old July 31st, 2004
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Do you think I'll get band for having a dialup despite having over 1k no. of dwnlds. I consistently have people cueing up (which I'm quite sorry about, but that's life on a modem), to get a hold of my stuff be it custom/other. Surprising really. I'm probably wrong, but I suspect that if I'm attempting to dwnld from somebody say in russia for eg with a T1 connection, I might not necessarily get a great dwnld speed from them even if they had their upld bandwth to the max. It's a suspicion only. I'd like to learn/know more about it b/c I believe there's more factors at stake than just their connection & what they offer upld wise. I'd be happy for anybody to make me the wiser.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old July 31st, 2004
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While you won't get banned, you'll probably get less uploads for rarer files IMO. After all, there's this filter in the Preferences that filters out connection speeds and/ or quality, among other things.
About the queueing thing, it's not just on modem: I used to have an awful lot of queues too and I'm on ADSL.
iMac G4 OSX 10.3.9
LW 4.10.5 Basic
ADSL anything from 3 to 8Mbps/around 1024kbps

"Raise your can of Beer on high
And seal your fate forever
Our best years have passed us by
The Golden Age Of Leather"
-Blue Öyster Cult-
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old August 8th, 2004
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Unhappy why a freeloader

The reason I am a freeloader is because I am afraid of the LAW, not because of being miserly.
I'd love to share all my shares! Man..i miss NAPSTER and those days, I didn't live in fear sharing. Since it's illegal to swap files, I am just afraid one of these days, the government will knock on my door. I was told that the only way to be above the law is not to share. Is this true or no?
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old August 10th, 2004
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Default FREELOADERS / bandwidth / DL & UL

Like LW, SoulSeek allows you to browse files of the user you are DL/UL from. This is a nice feature and you can see who shares and who doesn’t. If a freeloader comes along and is getting 1-2 files I let it go—otherwise you will be spending the majority of your time micro-managing your UL’s. If a freeloader is trying to DL my entire music catalog I will query as to why they don’t share—if they are new, I let that go because hey—we were all new at one time. I actually had a guy say that he wouldn’t share his files because I had less than 1000 files to share (what a snob (insert your favorite word)). Anyway, if I don’t get a response or the user says they don’t share then I ban them. When it comes to UL speeds I try to be patient because not everyone has Cable/DSL. If you really want that special file and the source has a Jurassic Modem well you just have to be patient. Like PizzaGirl, I will boost to the max when possible especially if someone has either shared a lot with me or they are DL a lot of files. In that case I’ll kick it up a notch—throw some cayenne on there baby! As to Freeloaders logic for not sharing—the argument holds no H2O (that’s water for all you non-chemistry types) with me. Following your freeloader logic you shouldn’t be RECEIVING any files either. Following your logic, what makes you think THE MAN won’t get you for taking the file and using that keygen to force it to work? It would be refreshing for a freeloader to just be honest and say, “Hey, I’m a taker. I go through life taking and using and don’t give back.” I realize there are varying degrees of paranoia but I think the current “administration” has enough to worry about without wondering where you got that video from. But if you don’t want to take my word for it I have outlined some ideas to make you feel more comfortable so you can share. First, buy some bandwidth on WESTCOM or SATSURV satellites (both are better). Buy 10-20 monitors so you can set the zoom features to include your: home, street, neighborhood, city, state, country. That way you can see THE MAN coming. Second, install elaborate safe rooms, tunnels and plenty of false doors, walls, and access panels, to confuse THE MAN should he get past the security guard you hired to monitor all your SAT feeds. I would also install industrial IR trip wires at all doors and windows. Third, buy several restaurant quality toasters so that you can melt your CD/DVD-R’s before the man gets to them. You will also need 5-6 industrial 20 pound magnets to wipe your floppies with. Install a fast access panel on the front of your CPU so you can pull your HD and put it the industrial hydraulic press you installed next to your computer. Also, customize your battery backup supply with a reverse polarity switch so that you can fry your motherboard by reversing the 800 watt flow. Most importantly make sure you wear a hood and dark glasses (a fake beard – even for the ladies is further advised), because we all know THE MAN can see you through your monitor. I would go down to the local shipyard and buy a million candle-watt searchlight off a decommissioned battleship to periodically shine into your monitor to temporarily blind THE MAN when he is spying on you. Since he can also record all your keystrokes you will need to install a key switch program that encrypts your input. I think they are still selling the enigma machine plans (I’ll get back to you on that). Once all this is in place you should feel very comfortable indeed in sharing your files. Best of luck
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old August 10th, 2004
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Hey that's great! You couldn't elaborate a bit more could you! It's starting to remind me of Get Smart. Very interesting wattage! Hate to pay the energy bills for the lasor works! How about the old mirror.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old August 10th, 2004
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Default freeloaders - the saga continues...

LOTR - I told you didn't I.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old August 12th, 2004
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Best suggestion of the DAY!
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old February 2nd, 2007
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[QUOTE=murasame******loaders are poeple who only use p2p in a one-way manner, meaning that they only use it to dld files from others but do not allow others to dld from them. The settings about freeloaders that are availalbe in LW were functional (notice the "were") a while ago but no more.
I figured out that freeloaders settings were not functional too. Also, Chat is not functional. I wonder how many other features are not functional. I don't know what Limewire's motivation is to have a lot of features that are not functional. I suppose to make it appear better than it is.

Frankly, I believe Limewire should not show features that are not functional. Removing non-functional features should only take a few hours at most. It would just be a matter of removing the applicable blocks of code.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old February 4th, 2007
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Hi folks!

After using LimeWire a couple of days I had a strange upload status "Banned gready servent" What does this mean? The user who is downloading a file from me is banned or did he/she mark me gready? I don't have a fast internet connection, so I limited the slot number per person to 2 slots and 5 overall. What is actually banning and how does this work? Can anyone answer me these questions? Thank you very much in advance

Groove on
y gath ddu
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old February 4th, 2007
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Originally Posted by ygathddu
After using LimeWire a couple of days I had a strange upload status "Banned gready servent" What does this mean? The user who is downloading
a file from me is banned or did he/she mark me gready? I don't have a fast internet connection, so I limited the slot number per person to 2 slots and 5 overall.
What is actually banning and how does this work? Can anyone answer me these questions? Thank you very much in advance
what? the status bar says that?
You must be talking about incoming searches... [the top column on 'monitor']

As far as I know... I don't know how/or if banning is possible...
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