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  #1 (permalink)  
Old July 28th, 2004
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Default A few things to consider while configuring Limewire for optimal performance...

Ok, so I noticed lately that more and more people complain about them having a high-speed connection but are seeing very low speeds in Limewire. I personally think that it's mostly due to people not having configured the application very well (if at all), mostly because that was my case too, so I decided to post in a new thread the few pointers that I followed when configuring my Limewire. Here they are:

a) First, make sure to know exactly what connection speeds you have, both upload and download. This may sound dumb but there are people who don't know (or maybe can't remember) what connection they are paying for. As a proof, many write in posts things like: "I have cable" or "I have a DSL connection".
While that's all good, you must know that there are different kinds of speeds, so knowing what connection speed you're on is more important (in this particular case at least).
Also, consider that DSL and Cable connection speeds are affected by the physical distance from the server, so if you have like a thousand kilobit connection but the server is, like, a zillion kilometers away (I obviously like exageration, huh?), then your speeds would still be incredibly slow.

b) Very, very important is also knowing the difference between bits and Bytes. When ISPs advertise their net connections, they use the data communications' measuring "system": the bit. You'll see things like: "1000 kilobits per second (kbps) connection available from, blah blah...". In data storage (includes most p2p filesharing apps I've seen so far) though, the Byte unit is used. The difference, which had me fooled at first, is that a Byte is 8 bits, which makes a 1024kbps DSL connection (like, say, mine) being able to (theoretically) run with 128 KBps speed (actually, it's 1000KBps as Morgwen points out later. You can go here to make a more accurate bit-to-byte-conversion). Don't misunderstand though: this is still pretty fast.

c) Now that you know a couple of things about your connection, it's time to get to configuring. The first step is to launch Limewire (duh). With Limewire launched, a Windoze user must go to Tools->Options while an OSX user will click Limewire->Preferences (for OS9 I heard it's Limewire->Options)
On the list to the left of the Preferences/Options window, click on Uploads, then Basic. If you know your upload speed (which you should), then drag the Upload Bandwidth meter so that it matches it. Done? Good. Now drag it down a little more, around -5 or so of your Upload bandwidth. Trust me. Just do it.

d) Now click Slots. I've personally set the uploads per person to 3, but anyway: the max upload slots should be decreased a bit as if you don't have enough bandwidth to satisfy all the demands, you'll end up queueing a lot of people and probably wasting your own bandwidth too.

e) Click Speed and make sure you've set the right speed (don't do things like setting it to T1 while you're on modem: it won't make you any faster).

f) Now for the good stuff: this will make you feel more like you're really fine tuning Limewire for better performance (despite the fact that the rest is probably just as important). Click Downloads. See the "Maximum number of simultaneous downloads"? You're gonna have to play around with that a little.
I don't know about others, but I thought at first that this was the number of active downloads (meaning the number of download slots in the "Downloads" window) I could have up at the same time. Well, it's not. This number determines the maximum amount of downloads you can have at the same time, but regardless of wether it's for the same file or not.
So, if you're on a broad-band connection, increase this number a little. Be careful: a little is really a little, meaning that you must increase this number by 1 or maybe 2. Increasing it too much (i.e directly setting this to 100) can have the opposite effect, as your Limewire will try to connect to more hosts than your bandwidth can handle. What you have to do is find a popular file (read: "a file with many sources") and download that. Remember the speed you downloaded it with.
Return to the Download preferences: if the speed you saw was near your max download bandwidth then click Apply and be happy, 'cause you're done here. If on the other hand it isn't, increase the number again by 1 or 2 and click Apply. Delete the download the re-download it.
Lather, rinse, repeat as needed.

-Don't think that setting upload speed too low or completely disabling uploading won't affect your speeds, 'cause it will.
-Remember to be patient with the last step as going too fast might result in setting the number too high, which would have the opposite effect.
-DON'T forget to click 'Apply': every time you change something and are pretty confident that what you did was right, then click Apply. Don't forget it.

As a side note, I'm proud to say that any of my friends' Limewire's (including mine, of course) I've configured this way are going very fast, as in "going at 'Top Speed'", so I think that these pointers are not crap.
To any of the veteran members and/or connaiseurs of Limewire: feel free to make feel like an idiot if you think that what I wrote here is bull.

EDIT: If all else fails, then it's time to consider the possibility that your ISP is among the really "brilliant" ones who had the equally "brilliant" idea to throttle P2P traffic.
This is a link that shows some ISPs known to have chosen this course of action. Go there and hope you don't find yours on the list.

Also, here's a link to many helpful links (provided by Gnutellaforums' own Cleaning Lady ). Among them you can find a "speed test" page. Just remember to run the test many times at different times of the day.
I hope this helps at least someone...
iMac G4 OSX 10.3.9
LW 4.10.5 Basic
ADSL anything from 3 to 8Mbps/around 1024kbps

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Last edited by murasame; March 16th, 2005 at 11:02 AM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old July 28th, 2004
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I just noticed something I wrote on the previous post which is kinda wrong: at step f) , every time you change the max number blah blah click 'Apply' for the change to take effect.
iMac G4 OSX 10.3.9
LW 4.10.5 Basic
ADSL anything from 3 to 8Mbps/around 1024kbps

"Raise your can of Beer on high
And seal your fate forever
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The Golden Age Of Leather"
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old August 24th, 2004
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Wink Kudos, But I would like to add something..

Although this cant really be set completely right unless limewire changes a bit, the uploads can be configured according to how fast you want a user to be able to connect.
Say you have tons of movies, you might want to dedicate uploads to few people, so they can upload at a faster rate.
Or if you had only music files you might want to allow more users to connect.
This way, a user doesnt have to try to upload one movie for weeks, that she can do it in a matter of days. Because music files are smaller, giving less bandwidth per user doesnt really matter as much, becuase uploading at 1KB/s may be annoying, but it wont take weeks.
I have mine set (I have lots of video files) so that if the maximum number of users allowed connect, they can have 8KB/s, assuming of course they can handle that.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old August 24th, 2004
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Sure, as long as you upload it's all fine. If you don't upload, download speeds will suffer.
iMac G4 OSX 10.3.9
LW 4.10.5 Basic
ADSL anything from 3 to 8Mbps/around 1024kbps

"Raise your can of Beer on high
And seal your fate forever
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old August 27th, 2004
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In your post, you put to

"If you know your upload speed (which you should), then drag the Upload Bandwidth meter so that it matches it. Done? Good. Now drag it down a little more, around -5 or so of your Upload bandwidth."

I've tried sliding the Bandwidth meter, but it only goes up to 43.31 KB/s before it says unlimited. I'm new to this, and my DSL provider (Bell South) claims that my connection is:

"Up to 1.5Mbps downstream X 256Kbps upstream "

Please let me know if you have any advice. Thanks. I appreciate the guidance.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old August 27th, 2004
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murasame is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Hah! You fell for it too huh? (much like I did)
Read the part about bit to Byte conversion and do the math: 256Kb=32KB
Slide the bar to 32-5=27KB and you're set.
iMac G4 OSX 10.3.9
LW 4.10.5 Basic
ADSL anything from 3 to 8Mbps/around 1024kbps

"Raise your can of Beer on high
And seal your fate forever
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old September 2nd, 2004
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murasame is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

For people to which this little guide doesn't seem to help, then try contacting your ISP and asking them what the deal is: some ISPs slow down P2P traffic coming their way on purpose.
Also, for all of you people who think that setting your upload speed very low will increase bandwidth allocated to dld you've got it all wrong: Dld and Upload Bandwidths (at least in DSL/Cable) usedifferent, uh, "slots", so to speak.
iMac G4 OSX 10.3.9
LW 4.10.5 Basic
ADSL anything from 3 to 8Mbps/around 1024kbps

"Raise your can of Beer on high
And seal your fate forever
Our best years have passed us by
The Golden Age Of Leather"
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old September 12th, 2004
Join Date: September 11th, 2004
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i have been trying to d/l some things for several days, actually more like 2 weeks. i turned off my uploads thinking that this would help, and from what i read before it seems like everyones saying it doesnt help. i have cable interent, any suggestions as to what I may be doing wrong thats making it so slow.

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  #9 (permalink)  
Old September 15th, 2004
Join Date: August 21st, 2004
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evelyn12345 is flying high

I wanna say thanks to the person who started this thread cos it made my downloads like 8 times faster, even though i cant seem to get it to match my upload speed i am still happy
ps: to all those people who can always seem to find something wrong about it, unless u know better, keep ur comments to urself
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old September 15th, 2004
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murasame is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Evelyn, the reason that you cannot match your upload and dld speeds (if you mean that your upload speed doesn't get anywhere near your dld speed) is because:
-Dld and upload bandwidths use separate "slots" in cable connections
-the upload bandwidth "slot" is typically only a fragment of the dld "slot".
Check my signature. For a connection of over 2Megs of dld bandidth, I only have a measly 128Kb upload bandwidth. And what's even weirder is, before I upgraded from 1Meg to 2Megs, my upload bandwidth was actually greater...
iMac G4 OSX 10.3.9
LW 4.10.5 Basic
ADSL anything from 3 to 8Mbps/around 1024kbps

"Raise your can of Beer on high
And seal your fate forever
Our best years have passed us by
The Golden Age Of Leather"
-Blue Öyster Cult-
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