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  #1 (permalink)  
Old August 13th, 2004
Join Date: August 11th, 2004
Location: Texas
Posts: 19
Hilander is flying high
Thumbs down Frustration

Don't you just LOVE it when a file you've been waiting for for a long time flashes "connecting" then, within a millisecond, switches back to the inimtable "need more sources"?

What a hashed up system
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old August 13th, 2004
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The Soulforged
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murasame is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

-How many stars do those files have?
-How many sources do those files have?
-Do you have a Firewall up?
iMac G4 OSX 10.3.9
LW 4.10.5 Basic
ADSL anything from 3 to 8Mbps/around 1024kbps

"Raise your can of Beer on high
And seal your fate forever
Our best years have passed us by
The Golden Age Of Leather"
-Blue Öyster Cult-
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old August 13th, 2004
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Location: Texas
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Hilander is flying high

Originally posted by murasame
-How many stars do those files have?
Varies npormally I select only 3 and 4 stars

-How many sources do those files have?

Varies but normally I select only those with 5 or more listed

-Do you have a Firewall up?
Oddly enough no - the AVG program doesn't require one and I HAVE been able to d/l other files.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old August 13th, 2004
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murasame is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

A configured Firewall can allow one to dld a file from a host that is not firewalled (low speeds can be witnessed though). On the other hand, if one has a firewall and tries to dld from someone with a firewall, then problems (such as "Need more Sources") may occur.
Do you get "Need more Sources" with many dlds? If not, then it can be explained simply by the fact that you never know when the host that you try to dld from may go offline. You might just be a bit unlucky and click that Download button right when the other party hoes offline.
iMac G4 OSX 10.3.9
LW 4.10.5 Basic
ADSL anything from 3 to 8Mbps/around 1024kbps

"Raise your can of Beer on high
And seal your fate forever
Our best years have passed us by
The Golden Age Of Leather"
-Blue Öyster Cult-
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old August 13th, 2004
Join Date: August 11th, 2004
Location: Texas
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Hilander is flying high

I get screen fulls of "need more scources" to the point that I thinkthat's all this P2P set up knows. That and "Awaiting sources" amd I by GOD will not play slot lotto and hope to catch a source doring a millisecond break in transmission - I expect the program to do that.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old August 13th, 2004
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The Soulforged
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murasame is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Whenever I get the occasional "Need more Sources" status, all I do is doing a search for the filename of the downloading file and clicking "Find more Sources", hoping that the search will come across some new sources (since I type in the name of the dlding file, I have more chances of getting more specific files and/or closer matches to the file I am already trying to dld).
iMac G4 OSX 10.3.9
LW 4.10.5 Basic
ADSL anything from 3 to 8Mbps/around 1024kbps

"Raise your can of Beer on high
And seal your fate forever
Our best years have passed us by
The Golden Age Of Leather"
-Blue Öyster Cult-
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old August 13th, 2004
Join Date: August 11th, 2004
Location: Texas
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Hilander is flying high

Originally posted by murasame
Whenever I get the occasional "Need more Sources" status, all I do is doing a search for the filename of the downloading file and clicking "Find more Sources", hoping that the search will come across some new sources (since I type in the name of the dlding file, I have more chances of getting more specific files and/or closer matches to the file I am already trying to dld).
Occasional BULL PUCKEY, that's what I get MOST of the time, particularly for audios like edited

Last edited by Peerless; August 14th, 2004 at 07:57 AM.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old August 13th, 2004
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The Soulforged
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murasame is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

This just goes to show you how Limewire, heck just about any program in the world, can have very very varying performances depending on configurations.
Anyhoo, looks like you're in for a little reading (if you haven't already done that. The following threads are for increasing dld success (for the first one) and dld speeds (for the second):
I think that Lord of the Rings has already pointed you to these stickies, but oh well...
iMac G4 OSX 10.3.9
LW 4.10.5 Basic
ADSL anything from 3 to 8Mbps/around 1024kbps

"Raise your can of Beer on high
And seal your fate forever
Our best years have passed us by
The Golden Age Of Leather"
-Blue Öyster Cult-
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old August 14th, 2004
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I get screen fulls of "need more scources" to the point that I thinkthat's all this P2P set up knows.
For me that's life on a dialup modem. Obviously on a dialup I miss out on numerous connections b/c many people with better connections filter me out. But it's what I'm used to. Plus with my bandwidth I can't really dwnld from more than a handful of people. A couple is best for me if they're going in finish in a reasonable time. Sometimes deleting the file in the Dwnlds window & reselecting it from the search results will succeed. I try doing that a no. of times before doing another search.

(My broadband keeps getting postponed!)
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old August 14th, 2004
Join Date: August 11th, 2004
Location: Texas
Posts: 19
Hilander is flying high

Originally posted by Lord of the Rings
For me that's life on a dialup modem. Obviously on a dialup I miss out on numerous connections b/c many people with better connections filter me out. But it's what I'm used to. Plus with my bandwidth I can't really dwnld from more than a handful of people. A couple is best for me if they're going in finish in a reasonable time. Sometimes deleting the file in the Dwnlds window & reselecting it from the search results will succeed. I try doing that a no. of times before doing another search.

(My broadband keeps getting postponed!)
I am NOT on a dialup I am on a Wireless (Cell phone tower) cavble modem which tests up to 1.5 MbPS and my usual d/ls come thru at 150 Kbps depending on the source.
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