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globule82 August 31st, 2004 08:11 PM

I'm looking for a song
I don't know if I'm at the good place for my subject but I'm looking for an arabic song. The problem is I'm not arabic at all and I don't know how to write the title. If someone could help me, it would be great. It sounds like Chaabâ chaabâ.
Thanks a lot

mstfyd September 1st, 2004 09:42 AM

Arabic is a very pretty-looking script but I haven't a clue either as to what it says :(

However, you may be able to ferret out the title via a websearch. Try "arabic music", & see if there are retail sites lited in the results which play about 30 sec or or so of the music as a sample.

If you live in nyc or anywhere with an arabic population, you could always ask someone. The guys at the all night delis are usually bored stiff & prob would be happy to help.

I have a cd that a friend made during his enforced military exile to the middle east. He lost the song list & I have no idea what is on it! :confused:

Good Luck!

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