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swimkid September 3rd, 2004 08:03 PM

Does LW have any form of protection from the RIAA, is it possible to keep peopl from browsing your files?

swimkid September 4th, 2004 05:22 AM

I';m nervous to use limewire because it has no privacy features and i saw in an articly the RIAA sued people from LimeWire.

murasame September 4th, 2004 05:39 AM

Using or not LW is your own decision, but know that if RIAA would have to sue millions of people for using any P2P application out there.
The chance for you to get "caught" by them is only minimal.
Read this and this.
Then go read some of these just to see what kind of sooper geniuses some of the people in the legislative dep are in America...

murasame September 4th, 2004 05:47 AM


Originally posted by murasame
Then go read some of these just to see what kind of sooper geniuses some of the people in the legislative dep are in America...
I mean "It is illegal to tie giraffes to street lamps"? "It is against the law for chickens to cross streets"?! "It is illegal to say 'Oh, boy'"?!! What it up wit' dat? I would very much like to see in one of those Cop episodes a cop that, instead of catching a smuggler, would arrest a chicken for crossing the street or give a fine to someone saying "Oh, boy"... Heh! Just imagine that:
Dude:- Oh boy!
Copper:- Ha! Gotcha.

stupididiot69er September 10th, 2004 05:56 PM

Paulding – the law states that a policeperson may bite a dog to quiet it. what the heck??
how would put an animal in jail oh boy i'd like to see that (oh crap I could get arrested thank god i live in Canada)
man this was a good brake from the other privacy forums I hate the RIAA for what they do

murasame September 10th, 2004 08:14 PM

No, not in jail. He can bite it but not arrest it (that's still way too weird though).
France's got a weird law or two also, but not as weird as these. For instance, a policeman should fine any dog owners who don't pick up their dog's dog poo. Kinda weird huh? Well, actually, not so much, considering the amount of dog poo in Paris (bleargh. As a foreigner, I am offended). Besides, the policemen don't even respect that law since they think it's kind of demeaning to give fines to people for that reason.

stupididiot69er September 11th, 2004 04:41 AM

I just found some wierd laws about canada. did you know that up here you can not pay a 26cent item with 26pennies, and a 5 dollar item with only nickles. that's kinda weird

Morgwen September 11th, 2004 04:47 AM

Re: Privacy

Originally posted by swimkid
Does LW have any form of protection from the RIAA, is it possible to keep peopl from browsing your files?
Perhaps I should mention that other clients that tell you you are safe are lying to sell more applications... THERE IS NO WAY TO HIDE YOUR IP and the RIAA needs only your IP to find you.


murasame September 11th, 2004 05:54 AM


RIAA needs only your IP to find you.
It also needs to force your ISP to give up your identity, right?

Morgwen September 11th, 2004 10:14 AM

This is really no problem, providers arenīt allowed to protect criminals and everybody who steal is a criminal...

I really donīt know how this will protect you in any way?


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