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  #41 (permalink)  
Old September 21st, 2004
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stupididiot69er: Morpheus used the network core of Kazaa in versions 1.x so up to march 2002. Since then, they have used the Gnucleus gnutella core to access Gnutella (well they did use Jtella for a year).

Thing to learn: they have never coded their own engine. They use other people's work to get money.
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  #42 (permalink)  
Old September 21st, 2004
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hmm now I understand. man these people are :caught: messed up up there and greedy
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old September 21st, 2004
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Originally posted by et voilà
Thing to learn: they have never coded their own engine. They use other people's work to get money.
Wait, they made many major changes they added many usefull ads, some very helpfull programs (crapware) and some links to funny websides - I think they earned their money!

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  #44 (permalink)  
Old September 21st, 2004
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Here is a fictive conversation I expect to happen in this thread between Vampmon and me:

Vampmon: Well they got NEOnet working and it is performing admirably.

et voilà: we are talking about gnutella though. While it is true that NEOnet is their first own product since Morpheus appeared in 2001, they are still using Gnucleus to access gnutella and G2 while mlDonkey is used to access Fasttrack and ED2K. (you have to understand that gnucleus and mldonkey are kown to be buggy). Switch to NEOnet only, pulllhease!
PS: good work on bundling ads in your app, they are really obvious to the willing customer that I am.

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  #45 (permalink)  
Old September 22nd, 2004
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Okay, I'm just poking my nose where I don't belong again, but I just want to say something:
stupididiot, no offence but have you even tried Morpheus? I haven't so I prefered not to talk (much) about it because I don't know if it's good or bad. I think that, if you don't know what is being talked about, then don't talk abou it yourself. The other people most probably have already tried (at least once) Morpheus. And don't get me wrong. I'm not taking sides here.
I just prefer to talk about something when I know a little something about it. If you do know then sorry and ignore this post.
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  #46 (permalink)  
Old September 22nd, 2004
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Originally posted by stupididiot69er
wait this can be comfusing for some people when I said I totally agreed I ment with banning morpheus. morpheus was made by sharman networks, if it's like kazaa dam that's not good. I hate kazaa. and I heard morpheus became full of viruses and crap. is it still the same one we are talking about? or is this new
NO, Morpheus MADE KaZaA. OK, Sharman made the software but Morpheus made the network, i say this because if it was not for Morpheus then KaZaA would properly not be as popular as it is today. Morpheus does not contain any sort of virus; get facts straight before posting something.

BTW, i was going to say something else to you, but i would properly get banned for that.
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  #47 (permalink)  
Old September 22nd, 2004
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well before it had viruses (or was that just another rumer) and yes I have tried it but na don't like it
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  #48 (permalink)  
Old September 23rd, 2004
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Vampmon is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Morpheus has never had any sort of virus. This is just what people say to bleach Morpheus’ name. Morpheus has greatly improved already and more work is being put into it to make it the best file sharing application available!

As I’ve said before, Morpheus 4.2/4.3 is only the beginning!
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old September 23rd, 2004
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Originally posted by Vampmon
BTW, i was going to say something else to you, but i would properly get banned for that.
Watch your back.

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  #50 (permalink)  
Old September 23rd, 2004
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Originally posted by Vampmon
Morpheus has never had any sort of virus.
I wouldn´t say it to loud, Morpheus bundles a lot of crapware and there are/was some between which had viruses. Limewire had two years (?) ago a virus in a program named "clicktillyouwin", the developers said that they don´t check the programs they bundle, they trust to the signed agreement... I suppose the morpheus developers do it the same way.

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