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  #211 (permalink)  
Old September 15th, 2005
Join Date: September 15th, 2005
Posts: 7
Black_Hawk223 is flying high

well everyone I just found out I got scammed. This website got me for 34.98. Just found this out and reported them to the FBI and the Internet Fraud Complaint Center (IFCC). I fell like snaping a neck right now
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  #212 (permalink)  
Old September 16th, 2005
Join Date: September 6th, 2005
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aprila220 is flying high

aaaaaaaaaaannnnnd yes, a refund showed up on my cc today thank goodnessssss....
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  #213 (permalink)  
Old September 18th, 2005
Join Date: September 18th, 2005
Posts: 2
scloud is flying high

I have some clues here for people who are easily scammed. Website owners who don't spell or grammar check their sites generally have their mind on other things, like your money.

A quick sample of the English usage on americamp3network:

"In today market"
"On the other side, many of our current customes "
"If you registered and did not received and email "

And my personal favorite: "Support is offered at FREE OG CHARGE for our member "

There are many more.

I may be being a little unkind here, but come on, the signs aren't good when they can't even be bothered to produce a professional web site.

I am thinking of offering a service which checks out web sites for people and tells them if it is a scam or not. It'll cost 39.99 and...
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  #214 (permalink)  
Old September 18th, 2005
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You will find that most of the people that get scammed suffer from one or more of the following:

1) Too busy to research into or check or the site properly.

2) Fail to see the warning signs because they are either naive or too enthusiastic.

3) Forget to engage "common sense".

4) Fail to understand that a site on the internet can be anywhere in the world and so are governed by different laws.

5) Do not know who they are paying their money to and what they are paying for.

6) Do not understand the concept of P2P or P2P networks.

7) Will jump first and (maybe) ask questions later.

8) Very gullible, have a tendancy to believe the "Highly Improbably", e.g. Unlimited MP3 downloads and Unlimited film downloads for a one off price, lifetime membership (to what?), etc.

9) Failure to take responsibility, i.e. "It's not my fault".

And so on.

Reading the site's advert checking for gramatical and or spelling mistakes is, quite frankly, a non-starter.

Still every little bit helps.

UK Bob

PS. Some people may think I am harsh and heartless but I get angry when working people (like myself) throw their hard earned money away to scammers who do nothing but sit back and laugh. They laugh at us because they think that working people are "stupid gullible chumps", easily fleeced of our cash and belongings.
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  #215 (permalink)  
Old September 19th, 2005
Join Date: September 6th, 2005
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aprila220 is flying high

well...I DID do my research for a few days (or so I thought). I knew nothing of p2p networks, didn't know that was the technical term for it. I just knew that I wanted to download and burn songs and movies. If you do a search from yahoo, google, etc. on the "best" music downloading site, or something of that criteria...these "scam" websites pop up. I had heard of Kazaa, Limewire, etc. and thought that these were the "illegal" sites and thought that by paying for this site that everything was legal. And a lifetime membership for $29.95 sounded great! Understand? So it's alot of people like me who get scammed like that. See my point?
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  #216 (permalink)  
Old September 19th, 2005
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spar1691 is flying high
Default looking back

aprila220 i like you did a search and new next to nothing but the site i went to was mentioned in a mag so thought it was safe but now i see what a p**t i was things like free lifetime downloads for $34.99 what was i thinking, you were lucky to get a refund i have had to put everything in writing to my bank just to try to get my money back and then only after making a nuisance of myself at my branch until then they didn't want to know.

hindsight is a wonderful thing but i hope people reading these forums will find out they have been had in time to get refunds,(the site that scammed me had a 30 day money back clause which i now find out they have to by law) not that they will bother to abide by it.

At least you getting your refund gives me hope.
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  #217 (permalink)  
Old September 19th, 2005
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Originally posted by Black_Hawk223
well everyone I just found out I got scammed. This website got me for 34.98. Just found this out and reported them to the FBI and the Internet Fraud Complaint Center (IFCC). I fell like snaping a neck right now
I had the same problem. I was having a minor difficulty with my "free download of Limewire," only I only paid for one year after they finally offered me a free trial. didn't want to give me the refund, but after multiple threats and reminding them of their free trial offer, they relented. When they asked me on the "request for refund" form, I told them exactly why - they were a scam and that I could get the same software free anyway from the original legitimate site.

So, just keep at them, they'll give you your money back. Report it to your bank and/or credit card company and tell them you did it.

Worked for me.
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  #218 (permalink)  
Old September 20th, 2005
Join Date: September 18th, 2005
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scloud is flying high

Originally posted by aprila220
well...I DID do my research for a few days (or so I thought). I knew nothing of p2p networks, didn't know that was the technical term for it. I just knew that I wanted to download and burn songs and movies. If you do a search from yahoo, google, etc. on the "best" music downloading site, or something of that criteria...these "scam" websites pop up. I had heard of Kazaa, Limewire, etc. and thought that these were the "illegal" sites and thought that by paying for this site that everything was legal. And a lifetime membership for $29.95 sounded great! Understand? So it's alot of people like me who get scammed like that. See my point?
I do see your point, but, you'd be far better searching for something like "p2p SCAM" first.
I'll tell you how I found this forum: I got an email advertising I did what I always do when checking out sites I've never heard of, I typed "americamp3network scam" into google to see if anything came up, and this forum was the SECOND entry. Call me cynical, but I'm not the one pouring 30 dollars of my hard earned cash down the drain. Remember just about anyone can set up a site on the internet in countries where it is almost impossible to get any legal redress - suspect first, trust (maybe) later.

Last edited by scloud; September 20th, 2005 at 12:48 AM.
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  #219 (permalink)  
Old September 20th, 2005
Join Date: August 28th, 2005
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spar1691 is flying high
Default hindsight

yes i know to do that now!! but were do all the newbies find out how to do this, i take webuser everyfortnight for over a year now as well as other mags occasionally, one of those was were i got the info about the site in the first place, but along with all the regular letters and practicals have not noticed a walkthrough for bebginners on how to avoid being scammed by taking these steps, dont get me wrong no one is to blame except me for this but its not like i haven't done any reading at all, one mate also been scammed never reads anything just blunders in then sits in the pub complaining later, he's the sort who never runs anti spyware virus scans then complains when his computer gets infected? he must have plenty of cash though its cost him loads to put things right but when i went round and ran adaware his defs were 117 days old and the scan produced 1189 critical hits, so i may not be the best, by a very long way, but i know im not the worst.

bit of a ramble this better stop now.
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  #220 (permalink)  
Old September 20th, 2005
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ukbobboy01 will become famous soon enough
Default Scam Sites (again)

If you do a search from yahoo, google, etc. on the "best" music downloading site, or something of that criteria...these "scam" websites pop up.
Scam sites pay search engines so that they come top of any search inquiry for "music downloads", "P2P", "Limewire" or any combo of words about films or music. You see, for Google et al it's just business.

Call me cynical, but I'm not the one pouring 30 dollars of my hard earned cash down the drain.
It is positively refreshing to see that someone else, apart from me, takes the spending of their money seriously. No one has the right to take my money for nothing, I have worked hard to earn it and therefore I should enjoy it. Your approach to researching web sites is "inspired".

UK Bob
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