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  #131 (permalink)  
Old July 24th, 2005
Posts: n/a
Unhappy want to go to sites

Originally posted by verdyp
Remember the ONLY official web site to download LimeWire:
(also for the open-sourced developement versions)

The official package is fully open-sourced, and subject to the GPL licence requirement: this means that a derivated work is possible according to the licence, but the GPL requirement still applies, and LimeWire clones MUST provide their sources as well, along with a copy of the GPL licence and information about how to get the sources of their clone. The GPL licence also requires that the copyright notice must be kept. Scammers that steal the sources to sell a product under their own licence are infringing the GPL licence, and they steal your money.

Also you won't get any support from this scammers that don't even show their official organisation name and street address.
Compare this to what the LimeWire web site displays for you: a physical address in NYC, USA, and people names (and their photos!). Nobody should ever buy anything on the Internet without being able to identify precisely who is the reseller.

Also some credit card processors should really be avoided for any online transaction: IBILLCS is a wellknown heaven for scammers and porn site spammers that steal your money: their identity verification is VERY weak (a "seller" can create an account with a fake identity in a few minutes with them, and they will immediately start collecting money; IBILLCS will refund those that complain, without taking any action against the scammer, that will continue to collect money). Serious credit card processors consider security more scrupulously and assist users legally: your national street banks, PayPal/eBay...

There's nothing that LimeWire can do about these scammers if you have been stolen, except publishing information about known thieves, and learning you how to use Internet more securely, notably when performing online transactions. Users should know that thieves exist everywhere on the Internet under fake identities. Those that receive hundreds of spam each day from around the world know that fact. On the Internet you NEED to be PARANOID and not trust anyone for which you can't even verify basic identity information.

LimeWire will also inform you about what you can do with the software and offers you a FREE try of the fully functional software, with the Basic version. If the Basic version works for you, be confident that the Pro version will also work for you; after your trial, that LimeWire thinks will be conclusive for you, you can then opt to support the LimeWire development project by buying a LimeWire Pro licence.
Note that the LimeWire Pro licence is NOT limited in time (only the free upgrade and free support which are exclusive to the Pro licence, are limited in time).

All serious Gnutella servent vendors offer you a free try of their software, even if they sell you licences to a Pro version to cover their development costs (this includes,, GTKG), and they also have extensive online support areas, forums, and their developers are present in these forums, or in the Gnutella Developers Forum (GDF) on Yahoo Groups, where they discuss the protocol and help each other to detect possible bugs and quirks, or enhancements, and where they publish their own working or experimental specifications, to maximize interoperability.
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  #132 (permalink)  
Old July 24th, 2005
Join Date: July 24th, 2005
Location: Scotland
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rumbly is flying high
Angry scammed

just got Limewire - unfortunately I appear to have been scammed and I wasn't even aware of it yet!

I was searching for help on corrupted files and found forum and this thread re. scamming. I downloaded from - the money has not yet come out of my bank account and I will be attempting to stop it now!

Guess I need to be more careful in future!
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  #133 (permalink)  
Old July 25th, 2005
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ukbobboy01 will become famous soon enough
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Hi Rumbly and congratulations

You are one of the few newbies who got scammed but realised soon after, unlike most that either do not know they've been had or come to this forum in "righteous" anger looking for somebody to blame for their own stupidity.

When reading through this forum, and coming across the "victims of scam sites", it is sometimes difficult to sympathise with them because they seem so eager to throw their money away without knowing who or what they're throwing it at.

A simple common sense approach to scammers flashy adverts should tell people that what is on offer is too good to be true. And if it is too good to be true then it is more than likely it does not exist.

Nevertheless, I am glad when someone realises that they have been scammed, either by luck, common sense kicking in or coming to this forum for help, and then tries to get they're money back.

However be warned, not everyone who has been scammed gets their money back, some people have had to put down their rash act to experience (lack of).

UK Bob

Last edited by ukbobboy01; July 25th, 2005 at 02:00 AM.
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  #134 (permalink)  
Old July 25th, 2005
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Thumbs up update on maladventures with MyMusic

Well hello my UK friend and everyone who helped me with this problem!

After many threatening e-mails, as in potentially filing an internet fraud complaint with my bank and reporting them in every forum I could find from a-z, these scammers sent me an e-mail saying "YOUR REFUND HAS BEEN PROCESSED AND APPROVED." My only question is this - what do they mean by "approved?" We had a "free trial with refund if cancelled within 30 days" agreement I only got that after pleading poor mouth and that their service looked promising. When I first went to their site, nothing was mentioned about a "free trial." 'Course, they lied and told me that they wouldn't even process payment until the 30 days were up. As soon as I see it in my bank account, I'll know I'm not dreaming though.

So thank you once again UK Bob, and thanks to this forum. I would never have known.

Oh, by the way, is there someone I can report them to anyway?
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  #135 (permalink)  
Old August 6th, 2005
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kelnar_warrior is flying high

AS this seems to be confession time I must add my 2 cents forward. so sit back and have a laugh at this. I have been involved with computers for a quarter of a century now. I have spent the last 6 years working on various helpdesks for all the ISP in my fair country. I have heard so many horror stories over the years I believed using P2P software was too dangerous to be of any benefit. I recently found mp3 sites based in either the ukraine or russia that seemed to provide a cheaper alternative to itunes and the rest. and their contracts and terms seemed to allow legal music that was very cheap. I knew something wasn't right but in a rush to save money, and fill my addictive personality I bought up big. I have came to learn that they were illegal as one was shutdown (

So what changed, I had good communication with these guys so when they suggested a file sharing program called bt2net I thought hmm, ok well these guys have never done wrong by me and downloaded the program and started to run it. It did offer a free trial I loved it as all their files were on the file sharing program. right down to the bitrate. I bought the program to use fully then it happened bugs in the program cause massive errors and forced me to re-install windows 11 times in one week and lossed the ability to use the porgram. I tried to contact the support team but was driven nuts by no response. I went looking for another program to get my fix of music (I am addicted to downloading, it doesn't matter what I just need to download something, my music collection can attest to this, currently in 3 figures of GB) I came across allcoolmusic and started to email them trying to find what I was looking for. remembering all the stories I had heard. but with my head in a spin from all the anger and hate about being cheated I made the mistake of believing that they had a private network that I could tap into. Once I paid up the 2 year plan with dvd movie access I saw the program and completely freaked. LW is freeware of the internet folk, I have used the program and grown to like it but I felt cheated. I emailed them again and again but nothing. So I did what any hatemonger would do in that situation, cut my loses got out ,my revenge book and wrote them into it (makes a good read and if I ever get a nuke then they will be sucking up mushroom death)

I guess the best thing to do with these guys is let everyone know what is going on. newbies and old hands alike. I am putting serious thought into taking a full page advert in all computer mags about these guys and how they are cheating everyone. And to those who want revenge here is an idea.

if these guys believe they can hide behind their contracts then change your attack path to the CC company that allows them to make their money. The online companies that make money from their adverts. and RIAA that they are pushing pirating as being legal. Use RIAA's all consuming resourses to shut them down for marketing their "nemesis".

Shame them with publicity, drag them into the light and set fire to them. (see hatemonger at work, Helpdesk )

Another idea is to set up a site that lists all the offenders and their allies. if google wants to make money then shame them into taking these sites down. I am sure microsoft would love to destroy these filth.

any other ideas I would love to hear. to others who have been caught by them use your anger to strike back at the companies in a way that will hurt them where it counts. and Like the rest of the guys and gals say in here. be very careful when signing up for anything. the net is a wonderful place but as with all things scum will try to trick you at every turn.

Hail Freedom
Death to all scammers
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  #136 (permalink)  
Old August 6th, 2005
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i just had to change my sig because of all this.

anyways, its probably the riaa thats doing it.. damn, wouldnt that be ironic.

but its always great to hear that someone found out the truth.. but its even better if you knew the truth before getting burned


Last edited by ultracross; August 6th, 2005 at 02:37 AM.
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  #137 (permalink)  
Old August 6th, 2005
Join Date: August 6th, 2005
Location: Gosport UK
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phoenixxx minder is flying high

hi had to join to join in and glad I did. I have just downloaded lime wire for free, dont really know how I got here, but it came in through some annoying woman in Canada called Lisa Williams from and they wanted money for it. Initially advertises as free downloads, then when you follow it through you get an option of payment deals 1 year, lifetime etc. Ha got no hope of getting money out of me, but Lisa sounds nice and any time shes in the uk she can email me. Once upon a time I lived by the rule you dont get anything for free, thats why I am now poor...
But slowly buildning my resources...
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  #138 (permalink)  
Old August 6th, 2005
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phoenixxx minder is flying high

The software is free. You are paying for unlimited technical support and so we can run the website. If unsatisfied, for any reason, you can cancel your membership within 30 days for a full refund.
That is the statement made by

Share Responsibly:
Today, there are 240 million users trading MP3s on legal file-sharing networks. Sharing is not illegal as long as you obey all relevant copyright laws. Sharing copyrighted material, without permission to do so, is illegal. Purchasing a membership in does not give you license to download or upload copyrighted material. implores you to respect all copyright laws.

My Music Inc - 2004 - All Rights Reserved - Privacy Policy
What a croc of shhh. and you want to see what their clients are saying "I am so pleased with the service you have given me" these millions of people are not as pleased as the directors of mymusicinc, who are now living a lifestyle by scamming people
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  #139 (permalink)  
Old August 6th, 2005
ultracross's Avatar
FrostWire Developer
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ultracross is flying high

since they are linking directly to servers to download the installation software for limewire (a few people have noticed this.) all limewire has to do is this:
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  #140 (permalink)  
Old August 6th, 2005
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Thumbs up Yes I DID!

In my previous post here, I said I would believe it when I saw the money in my bank account. Yes, they did actually refund money after all the threatening e-mails, sending them their own "guarantee of money back if not satisfied" statement and all that.

Yes, Kelnar, you are absolutely right about getting these guys back, and yes UC you are right with believing the RIAA has something to do with it. I think so too.

I've had other problems since then with a false-positive virus diagnosed by Avast and now having scripts errors so I can't print anything. If anyone will read my post in Tips and Tricks here, I would appreciate any help.

I copied the error message wrong - the last part of it I think should be URS res://C\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\SHDOCL/DLL/preview.dlg.

Not sure if that't right either.

Back to the topic, at least I did get my money back. I didn't know anything about P2P until MyMusic came along. It was only through a small problem I was having with Limewire that I came to this forum and found out I got burned. So once again, thank you all and PLEASE, any newbies like me (probably won't be much longer at this rate though LOL) do not sign up for anything like AllCoolMusic, Mymusic, and oh there's another one that tried to get to me yesterday - PeerFlix. Be careful out there.
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