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  #321 (permalink)  
Old January 23rd, 2006
Join Date: January 23rd, 2006
Posts: 2
Frammis is flying high
Default The Gods Act In Mysterious Ways

While doing a google search for downloadable music, came up. Wow! What a find! Download millions of songs and movies... all my favorites... FOR FREE!... at least according to the website.

The come on is almost irresistable, isn't it? All your favorite songs and movies that you have to pay for everywhere else are available for a real cheap membership.

But, I didn't buy. I googled the URL and ended up here. What an eye opener. I sampled several of the blacklisted sites. The come on is the same... free downloads of your "favorite" movies and songs. These b@stards really ought to be tied to a post and shot.

But then again, five bucks says that the majority of the suckers weren't looking to download my videos of my vacation in Greece. Nor were they trying to download my brother's original guitar compositions (which, by the way, are very good). No, they were looking for ways to avoid paying for copyrighted materal. Thus, it is the greed of those that want something for nothing that keeps the scammers in business. Free music! Free movies! The Nigerian 419 scammers should have been so clever to come up with this one.

Now certainly there are some that use the P2P network for legitimate, legal downloads, but I cannot help but believe that those who get sucked into the scams (all 22 pages of them as of this writing) were looking for something for nothing... a way to get copyrighted material that would otherwise have to be paid for. They've been suckered by the promise on every one of the scam sites... download millions of movies and songs.

So, while I have sympathy for those that have lost their money, I see a great balance in the universe: Those that would cheat the copyright holders by buying into the scam websites' promises are in turn cheated. All is well in the universe.

Flame on brothers and sisters. My flame suit is zipped up.

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  #322 (permalink)  
Old January 23rd, 2006
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ukbobboy01 will become famous soon enough


You know, you may have a point, i.e. the clever dumb balance, for every clever act there is a dumb act to balance it out.

However, there seem to be more victims of these scam sites than people who use their common sense, like you have, and avoid them.

UK Bob
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  #323 (permalink)  
Old February 5th, 2006
Join Date: January 21st, 2006
Location: foreman Arkansas
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sunnydayblueocean is flying high

how is pro better than free? i already bought it but was just wondering? how can someone who uses limewire complain about people being fustrated at being ripped off simply because they wanted to use the program which is offered free to everyone. And as far as charma, people who share files are being nice to share whatever they are willing to share unless it is a virus , the people who are downloaded shared files most likely would not have paid to see it but are thankful to watch because someone was nice enough to share. People who really like a band dont stop going to their concerts just because they can hear it on their computer. And people who loved to go to the movies dont suddenly stop going because they downloaded some version that is less than theater quality. Reality, singers and actors make too much money anyhow. don't get me wrong i like them just as well as the next person but they are all for free speech, art, freedom of expression, insipiration, and they get all sorts of things for free because they have influence but when it comes to their money or being compensated for their work people are just down right wrong and illegal to want to listen to it or see it without paying. give me a break, i mean how many thousands of dollars is one song really worth or how many millions of dollars can a few months of playing pretend be worth? Can file sharing really be hurting their pockets so much? Or are they the ones being greedy?There is nothing wrong with being paid well for a job well done but i hate feeling suckered when something is advertised and then is some what of a letdown they play up the best parts sometimes just to trick you into paying when it turns out to be horrible. Given some things are really good entertainment i still dont feel bad because they make plenty of money without getting what little i have. There are exceptions and i do still spend money on entertainment (movies and songs,ect.) but i does make be feel a bit like some really spoiled people are fussing cause they dont have enough stuff .And i suppose to feel like getting scamed by scam artist with the intent on taking ur money for nothing is equal to some people learning how to share their stuff.
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  #324 (permalink)  
Old February 8th, 2006
Join Date: February 8th, 2006
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colleen37 is flying high
Angry scammed

i think im one of them er 'newbs' that just got scammed and im so angry! anyone heard of well i was told to pay 14 88 for unlimited downloads and another 9.99 for the pro version! and me being dumb i paid and all i got was the free version of limewire (which im extremely pleased with by the way). but still paying for something i coulda had free makes me sick and the thing that makes me sicker is my credit card company are still going to allow the payment to go through even though i rang them about an hour after i had been #'scammed' when i had wised up!i only realised when i tried to use the so call pro that id been had!anyway should i put this down to experiance or is there anyway of getting my money back? cos i cant get it back from my credit card company and the site i got it from dont even have proper helplines! oh how dumb am i!!
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  #325 (permalink)  
Old February 8th, 2006
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Only A Hobo is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Don't worry .. your not alone .. I know of at least one senior member of the forums who started off as a scam victim

The following man turned getting your money back into an art form.

See if it helps. Oh and DO change your credid card.. The scammers have your number

To get Phex Click on the Fox
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  #326 (permalink)  
Old February 9th, 2006
RunningBare's Avatar
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RunningBare is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Simple answer!

Do not be so quick to part with your cash, patience has it's rewards and this is even more so on the internet, in the materialistic world it can be said you get what you pay for, I for one do not believe this statement holds true for the internet, believe me when I say I have got better software free or cheap just by looking around and not settling for the flashy all singing all dancing stuff thats on the internet.

But hey! if you want to throw your cash away, throw it this way ;-)
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  #327 (permalink)  
Old February 9th, 2006
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Only A Hobo is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Excellent post ...

Now ... to make sure everybody using the internet reads it BEFORE parting with their money?........................
To get Phex Click on the Fox
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  #328 (permalink)  
Old February 9th, 2006
Join Date: February 4th, 2006
Location: Newcastle Australia
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Cheryl1964 is flying high
Question Scam Sites

Hi to everyone I am brand new. I have just filed a complaint with the FBI about My Music Inc. I then contacted MY Music Inc through the Website ( ie Contact Us ) to let them know that a complaint had been filed. I received an e-mail in 1 nano second to say sorry that you have decidd to cancel your lifetime subscription accounts will be in contact with you in the next 3 days. They wanted to know why I had decided to cancel my membership and I told them that nobody has to pay to download movies or music on the P2P network, and that their company has been listed on the web as a SCAM COMPANY. I will let you know what the FBI and My MUsic Inc ( ie REFUND ) when I have updates from them. Bye for now Cheryl
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  #329 (permalink)  
Old February 9th, 2006
RunningBare's Avatar
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RunningBare is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

I have been a Limewire pro user for about a week now and it does what it says on the box as far as downloading is concerned, I have a couple of questions though, why only a max of 10 hosts per download? and why does upload always appear to be the same file to different connections, this seems a bit unfair to those stuck in a queue trying to upload a different file.

my settings are upload 1 per with 5 slots and bandwidth 25kbytes total, my connection is dsl d/l 2mbit u/l 256kbit

for newbies please note the difference between bits and bytes, 1 byte = 8 bits

Originally posted by Only A Hobo
Excellent post ...

Now ... to make sure everybody using the internet reads it BEFORE parting with their money?........................
In answer to this question I will put as much knowledge as I can on my own website, including links to Limewire and Bitzi, lets see if we can be atleast be an irritation to the idiots that provide false information on files, I know a lot out there have unknowingly downloaded viruses and other crap, lets work together to get rid of this stuff, there are a lot of antivirus progs to use, I use avast antivirus that so far has captured a virus as download is complete.

To me, there are 3 types of hacker...

1. The pro, these are are people in the know, at most they will take a peak and move on to something more interresting.

2. Malicious, these are intelligent people behaving unintelligent, probably have sad lives.

3. Ignorant, the worst kind!, they mess around thinking they know what they are doing, but they do not have a f***king clue, they may enter your system with the best of intentions, like just being nosey, but they ***** up your system in doing so.

I'm sure folk can come up with more types ;-)
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  #330 (permalink)  
Old February 12th, 2006
Join Date: January 23rd, 2006
Posts: 2
Frammis is flying high

To sunnydayblueocean:

Well Sonny, I see that you are setting up your justications well. You have rationalized very well the fact that you are or want to be a THIEF.

You talk about recording artists making too much money, asking how much can a song really be worth.

Well, I've got news for you, Sonny. The song is worth what people will pay for it. You think it costs too much? Don't buy it.

But no, you think you are in the position to determine how much a song is worth or how much a group should be paid for their album. And if you think they are getting too much, then you solution is simple. You will STEAL it, feeling rightous about it, no less.

But the inescaple fact remains: You are a THIEF. You most certainly would not hold this view if you had something to sell and others decided you were making "too much" money.

But let's bring it closer to home. Five bux says you are working a flunky job, if you are working at all... maybe you rely on Dad's handouts. But let's say you do work. I bring you a paycheck for half the amount you expected. I say, "You know Sonny, I've decided that you are making too much money. I know you're just not deserving of the money you think you are."

You'd sh*t a brick. Yet you have no problem doing the same to others. Sonny, it's time for a wakeup call. You're living a double standard. If you think that the recordng artisits make too much money then do something about it. But don't just be a thief. I've seen clowns like you all over the place... they seem to think they are "entitled" to something that is not theirs just because they don't want to pay the price.

The way I see it is this: You steal from a recording artist, you'd steal from me. Your ethics suck.
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