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David Womack October 5th, 2004 02:05 PM

upload supervisor capability (Limewire 4.0.8 pro)
Does anybody know how to only allow hosts who share files to have access to your files? I do not want non participating freeloaders to have access to what I have bought.

I don't mind sharing with those who are also supporting the cause.

stief October 5th, 2004 06:38 PM

You can try the freeloader settings in the preferences (tools/options), but that code may be disabled.

btw--some people act as ultrapeers and may share very few files, but are helping out by sharing gigabits of bandwidth to keep the network going. I wouldn't want to hurt those folks :)

backmann October 5th, 2004 08:50 PM

You can do it by going to your preferences.

In the dark we make a brighter light

David Womack October 7th, 2004 10:49 PM

I set 100 files / rarely but continue to get freeloaders/nonbrowser hosts. I did apply.

Lord of the Rings October 7th, 2004 11:39 PM

There's lots of users out there that you can't browse. It doesn't mean they're freeloaders. eg: I rarely allow people to browse me (despite sharing over 1k files) b/c I'm on a dial-up connection. If I allow browsing it affects my connection (continual search info coming in & going out.)

David Womack October 8th, 2004 09:27 PM

I have spent thousands of dollars and 20 years to build my library. I enjoy sharing my musical soul with others and I look to other peoples songs to broaden my view. Not to participate is to slite the sharer an opportunity to grow. If all you are doing is sharing a download file or the CD of the artist, you are freeloading the sharing community.

That said, setting preferences to not allow freeloaders does not work. Any other ideas folks? I am now killing non-browsing uploads while I am on line and disconnecting when done.

I would think a software program that promotes sharing would allow the sharer some protection.

stief October 8th, 2004 09:54 PM

nice articulation of filesharing--thanks.

As for the settings, There are a few coders around who would know how to test an uploader for browsability and only allow those folks to upload.

I'll ask around. Are you on a Mac or PC?

Lord of the Rings October 9th, 2004 12:25 AM

For what it's worth - Dial-up users
1 Attachment(s)
Lucky I'm about to upgrade to broadband then. I feel sorry for the other dial-up users though. 'Don't know if I'm on the wrong track here'. Perhaps some people don't realise exactly how slow & limited dialup is. With a total of 5-8 KB/s to play with & upld & dwnld bandwidth being the same thing, dial-up users don't have too many choices & are really at the mercy of other users. It certainly doesn't take long before people start to dwnld from me. If I allow incoming searches, it seems to affect my connection quality after a while. Perhaps this was just an illusion I don't know, but that was my conclusion. But if dial-up users who don't allow browsing are considered as freeloaders, then perhaps we should tell them not to bother using p2p at all. Hey that should certainly reduce the p2p traffic & size of the network.

stief October 9th, 2004 12:50 AM

LOTR--"Enable" incoming searches should really say "show" incoming searches"

Like all the other graphical displays, the data is still flowing (whether we look at it or not).

Dial up is a great way to learn how to conserve resources though. Perhaps unchecking the enable button freed up some resources. . . . or maybe it just triggered a "watched pot never boils" response.

Anyway, broadband sure is addictive :p

Lord of the Rings October 9th, 2004 09:16 AM

I'm a little lost here. If not enabling the incoming searches checkbox doesn't control the ability of people to browse your files then how is it controlled & why is it that we can browse some but not all people's shared files?

Also, doesn't the Files must share not to be a freeloader option work? Ok the freeloader 'always/rarely' slide doesn't work, as far as I can understand here. If the minimum no. of files 'does' work then that is in effect a freeloader control. When I increased this no. over a period, I noticed a great many less people were attempting to dwnld my files. Instead of having a dozen queueing up for eg, it dropped back significantly (just 2-3.) I'd like to know about what the situation is with Connection Preferencing.

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