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ledzeppelin. October 8th, 2004 08:30 PM

Help please
I'm having a problem with my Limewire. What's happening is that I have it minimized right now, and when I click it to maximize it, this ERROR box comes up, and it says that it can't connect toi the Gnutella network, and I have to click okay, but when I do, a new one comes, and theres about 50 before I can get into Limewire, then finally it comes up and even while I'm using it, a box comes up every few seconds. The strange thing is theres no error. Everything is working fine and its connected and I can download songs. I've tried restarting but it didnt do anything. Can someone tell me what's wrong?

zeddicusz8 October 14th, 2004 01:43 PM

it would be my sugestion to backup all your files and then uninstall limewire and reinstal. that is what i had to do to get the mediaplayer to work correctly for me.

Lord of the Rings October 15th, 2004 06:16 PM

If I were you, I'd just check my comp for adware, etc. It sounds very abnormal. As a suggestion: run Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer

Next try using:
-Spybot - Search & Destroy 1.3
-Spy Sweeper & of course you have anitvirus softw. right.
This might be just a simple error, but! Also check any permissions you have on your comp. Do a safe start if you have time & check the system over. Also run any 3rd party utilites you have to ensure all is fit & well & no compatibility/conflict situations. Also update to the most recent java.

Great user name!!! I can't get enough of it!

ledzeppelin. October 16th, 2004 01:01 PM

Thanks for the help. Limewire's running well now.

Lord of the Rings...its pretty awesome you like zeppelin!

Lord of the Rings October 16th, 2004 02:41 PM

zepp had been my favourite band for many years & still avidly listen to them. Any new recording I can find of theirs (such as live) I'm keen to get a hold of.

Lord of the Rings October 16th, 2004 06:03 PM

Are you talking about the 'LZ DVD' that has a desert on the front cover, it's great. They missed out at least one tune form the Sydney concert I have on video tape played after the other & it shows the band walking of stage & into a car at the very end. I'm sure they have other material. I've recently seen sections of concerts that were officially recorded '75 & 77. Their SRemainsTSame soundtrack was pretty ordinary & they admitted that at the time. They've done much better concerts 'How the West was Won' is a very good example recorded the previous year ('72) from one concert in the US. The concert at Knebworth in '79 were supposed to be a proper concert video but the band weren't happy with their overall performance so it got dumped.

ledzeppelin. October 16th, 2004 07:11 PM

yeah, theyre the best. whats everyones favorite Zeppelin song...or songs...its so hard to choose

Lord of the Rings October 16th, 2004 08:11 PM


whats everyones favorite Zeppelin song
That's really hard. It can depend on my mood/the day as to which songs appeal to me the most. I do like to hear the improvisations in the live versions of No Quarter. I like hearing piano & drums work closely, supplementing, accenting, leading, etc. I like to hear the various combinations of medlies they used for 'whole lotta..' I like to hear the very early 'b blues' influence on the band during their live work. More evident around '68-70. But sometimes I like to just settle for their studio feats.

In particular b blues I'm refering to the harmonica improvisations in You Shook Me, Bring It on Home, & other covers, etc. You shook me '69 live is considerably different to later yrs, & was different b/w each performance for that matter (BBC Sessions live) is another example which is more keyboard based than harmonica. And I have a recording of YSM a day after another which is guitar based (all '69 versions.) All these versions quite different/ less b blues accented than the '72 HTWestWWon. 'Hats off to Roy Harper' from LD3 sums the bblues influence up.

daDDy000 October 17th, 2004 12:30 PM

Best Zep Song
My personal favorite would have to be "For Your Life". Page's gutar rhyme is just awesome.

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