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sassejan December 31st, 2004 05:15 PM

Why did I pay 24.95 for the baic limewire, I don't understand

Lord of the Rings January 1st, 2005 01:00 AM

LW Pro costs $18.88 & you should ONLY get it here:

Or you can get the Free version which costs .... well nothing! It's free. Don't get LW from anywhere else. Some sites scam users by making them pay for the free version or give them a weaker alternate variation of LW.

Oh if you've already paid for Pro then see here: & hope you haven't been scammed. Personally I'd try to cancel the transaction via my bank/credit card if that's the case!

ukbobboy01 January 1st, 2005 04:39 AM

Another user is scammed
Dear sassejan

You have been scammed, unfortunately, like so many others new users in (and outside) this forum that have fallen for those flashy adverts.

Put this down to one of life's unpleasant experiences.

UK Bob

sassejan January 1st, 2005 04:08 PM

It seems I paid My Music Inc 24.95 for a life time membership to music downloads, and I believe downloaded limewire from there
Was I ripped off, it says its perfectly legal, meaning to me its legal to download the music, so is it?

sassejan January 1st, 2005 04:11 PM

the scammed one
Should I uninstall this copy of limewire and download from this site? Would there be any difference?

ukbobboy01 January 2nd, 2005 04:02 AM

Scammed, The Sorry Story.
Hi sassejan

What you have done is download the "free" version of Limewire that you were "introduced" to by the scammers. The so-called "life membership" you have purchased is non-existent and therefore bogus. In other words, yes you were ripped off.

Also, this bogus site will say anything to entice the unwary into parting with their money, so anything that you read on that site is false.

Uninstalling your free version of LW you "bought" and installing the free version from this site will make no difference because they are the same product, the scammers have a URL link to the free download area.

May I offer you two bits of advice that may help you in the future:

a) If you must purchase something online then do some research on the company before parting with your money.

b) When buying online for the first time spend no more than $10.00 (US) or £5.00 (UK), that way if the company delivers promptly then you know you are dealing with a reputable organisation. However, if they do not then you have not lost much.

Finally, the only "good" that has come out of this sorry episode is that you should (will) not be caught like this again.

UK Bob

sassejan January 2nd, 2005 01:17 PM

My music inc.
Now they are charging 34.95. Thats my first and last time (Ihope) of being ripped off.
So is downloading music legal now, I read on their site that some judge compared it to vcr's and said the software for sharing isn't illegal. Thats probably a bunch of grap too huh?

ukbobboy01 January 3rd, 2005 03:41 AM

US Law
Dear sassejan

I can't comment on US law, as I live, work and play in the UK, but I recently read that a US judge had ruled that owning P2P software, like Limewire, is not illegal. However, sharing copyrighted material, without any recompense to the owner, will cause your RIAA to come after you.

If you want to be totally safe and legal with your music downloads then try or Napster, they charge per MP3 you download.

A good rip-off artist mixes half truths with lies, so that you don't know where one starts and the other ends. Safest bet is to treat anything a con artists says, or writes, as pure lies, that way you will be safe and not loose any more money.

One other thing I forgot to mention, whichever payment methods you use check that the scammers cannot extract any more money from you.

UK Bob

PS. If you check this forum you will see that another unfortunate, called "tyoneon", has been ripped off at the new $39.95 price tag. It seems that the cost of conning people is on the way up, it must be inflation :).

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