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Nightmare January 15th, 2005 06:34 PM

Blue stars?
Four blue stars showed up on the search quality list does this mean the quantity is greater or speed of some sort?

Lord of the Rings January 16th, 2005 12:44 AM

If you're refering to connection quality it means turbocharged but if you're refering to search results then it means your results are from the same network you are connected to (eg: at work or school or home.) It is the fastest type of downloading you can get b/c you both are closely connected.

et voilą January 16th, 2005 09:51 AM

Blue stars are results coming from your network (lan). When you are on a lan, LW both searches via Gnutella and your own network Limewires with a rendez-vous like discovery protocol. That means you'll download very fast from them since the limiting speed is the ethernet cable not the internet connection. Are you at a school or a company to get those results?


frmdablock January 24th, 2005 04:44 PM

this is my same quetion and the posters didnt answer it : (

does the number of stars mean the QUALITY of the download is better--as in sound quality?


Lord of the Rings January 24th, 2005 04:51 PM

No it has nothing whatsoever to do with file quality or sound quality. That can be determined by bit-rate & files size. The blue quality search results meqan it will be fast & easy to downld from.

frmdablock January 24th, 2005 05:08 PM

thank you very much

so, the higher the bit rate the better the file, generally?

and, the larger the file size, the better the sound quality for the same song---e.g. several files listed of the same version of a song, but one is 5,680 and the next is 4,512, and another is 6,402

the biggest one is usually the highest quality?

thanks for your reply

Lord of the Rings January 26th, 2005 04:24 AM

Just be very careful if you see some music files that are the same bit-rate but there's a significant difference in file size. If one of those comes from a T3 source then chances are it may be corrupt.

This is an example:

jappo13 February 27th, 2005 08:12 PM

PLease Help!!
Can Someone help me whoever has limewire....i want to know how you get turbocharged downloading...thanks

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