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Open Discussion topics Discuss the time of day, whatever you want to. This is the hangout area. If you have LimeWire problems, post them here too.

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old January 27th, 2005
Join Date: January 24th, 2005
Posts: 3
mrpotatoman is flying high
Default Limewire = stupid program

For all you out there. Don't even bother downloading for purschase the Limewire Pro version. It will be a waste of your money. You download at the same speed as that of the regular ( non-pro) version. The bar on the bottom of the Limewire pro version says "turbo-charged", thats just a load of crap trying to convince you that you downloading faster. And this program crashes more than it downloads per hour. SO DON"T WASTE YOUR MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!

Last edited by mrpotatoman; January 27th, 2005 at 11:09 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old January 28th, 2005
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Doh! Speak for yourself. If you've had a poor experience then it's sorry to hear. LW Pro connects to more peers for a start. And yes turbo connection gives you more reliability for searching whereas with standard LW, your connection quality is much more prone to be affected by other things. The differences b/w the 2 are not dramatic. But there's many a person who has noticed the improvements with Pro. But you're not the 1st to suggest it's not much better. I guess it depends on how well you have your LW configured & what your skills at using LW are like. Abuse the program & sure it won't give you ideal results whether it's pro or basic version.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old January 28th, 2005
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Default Inexperienced User


Some users, like mrpotatoman, are bound to have bad experiences using LW Pro, but as you know, they tend to be in the minority rather than the majority.

mrpotatoman has said nothing about his set up other than he blames everything on LW Pro, we have seen this in the past with other users who then find out that something else was causing them problems, like hardware incompatibility, spyware or viruses.

I suppose that when mrpotatoman cools down he will perform a thorough examination of his PC and may well find that his rage has been misdirected.

UK Bob
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old January 30th, 2005
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mrpotatoman!! what is wrong with this guy??? i have download songs in less than a minute, limewire rocks!!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old January 31st, 2005
Join Date: January 31st, 2005
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HateToBeHad is flying high
Default Limewire Corporate

After being frustrated at the same things the multitude of other users are frustrated with, I have the following questions for LW Corporate;

- The ad page for LW Pro states 'Personalized Support Via EMAIL' however I still can't find the link ANYWHERE for this PERSONAL support besides this NON Personal PUBLIC forum, Please explain this missing service.

- Please define 'Turbo-Charged' and I don't mean the cutesy blue indicator light as I am also a software engineer and know just how easy this is to simulate.

- Every response post from moderators (seasoned or otherwise) I've read suggest the User has some tweaking/re-configuring/re-installing/restoring previous or installing newer versions/not being nice to the program or other method to try to improve their performance. This sounds like 'another not-market-ready product hits the market'. The User/Customer is forever being told what THEY are doing wrong. I do not believe I have seen one moderator post outlining a true solution to a problem, notwithstanding the outright silly questions.

There is so much to be said for 'customer satisfaction' and 'value for your dollar'. My programming professor taught me a very important lesson; If you can't be there to actually tlk your client through a problem then make damn sure your 'help file' gives them the answer and does not send them into an abyss of forum rhetoric text.

- For tax purposes, I require a detailed ACCURATE comparison between the free and pay version of your software.

Quite sincerely,

Paul Rosebush
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old January 31st, 2005
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You can locate the support form by following these four simple steps.
1) Go to
2) Click on 'Support'
3) Click on 'here' where it says, "LimeWire PRO Customer? Click here for assistance."
4) Click on the "Contact our support representative" link.

We'll be glad to make it more difficult to find so that these kinds are complaints are valid, of course.

You can define turbocharged by reviewing the code at the following link: . As you are a software engineer, this should make perfect sense. There are also numerous other places in the code that are improved for the PRO version. Again, as a software engineer, you'll feel at home reading the code to familiarize yourself with what requires changing.

As with all products for a computer, there will be inevitable problems. LimeWire is downloaded over 800,000 times per week, and that is on Windows alone. It is in fact somewhat miraculous that there are as few problems as there are, and that an impersonal support forum such as this can resolve as many problems as it does.

Your skills for finding answers may need some improving if you are not able to find a single answer [for any question] on this forum, as well as not being able to follow four simple links to locate PRO support.

If you could explain what tax purposes require our detailing the differences in more detail than the code itself can, we'll be glad to boldface those lines of code.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old January 31st, 2005
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For tax purposes, ...
har har har lol
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old January 31st, 2005
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I don't work for LW. This is simply a forum. I do this as a volunteer. You obviously don't search around much before posting do you. You haven't been to LW's support pages. You haven't seen the link I so often refer to: Fixes for Limewire In general, people's issues are in regards to Java (that's what LW is made of!), or installation over the net (even OS updates can get corrupted over the net), or their preferences, or firewalls/other blocking connection, or their particular systems. And yes everybody's system is just that bit different. Sometimes it can make all the difference. That's windows for you.

If you are a pro user then you would be aware of their user customer support email contact address. Unless of course, like post 1 above you didn't actually purchase LW thru LW! In which case I'd feel sorry for you. See link in my 1st post.

Have you ever purchased a Microsoft product & tried to get customer service support from them. I have ... & "it sucked!" For such a major & large corporate softw co. just bouncing with $. I'm not the only mod I'm aware of who has had a bad experience with cust. support from a softw co. For them $ comes 1st, customer last. Funny how the smaller softw co.'s can give just as good if not even much better support.
.. not being nice to the program...
Well drop a movie into a program that's not designed for it & what do you think will happen. Get a 72 dpi image & apply FX to it & see what happens (it drops in quality), the same principle can be said of any graphic program. Take netscape & set the preferences willy nilly, or keep hitting certain keys to try to get a large net page to load up faster. Yes any app can be abused! And it can affect its performance. You can end up stuffing up its preferences or the program installation itself.

LW Pro costs $18.88 so I don't know what you're on about being so serious. You can use the free version & it costs you ... well now how much is that ... um .. let me add that up ...

By the way over 95% of questions asked on this forum have been asked & answered before.

Pro connects to 5 UP's compared the the basic LW's 3.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old January 31st, 2005
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Oh whoops I must have been slow I didn't see SBerlin's response. lol
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old January 31st, 2005
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Well I'm going to put my 2 cents worth in here also. I am by far no means an expert in the software developement field, but I have worked with developers over the past 25+ years. My recent accomplishments have been with IBM on the Blue Gene/L program. I am retired now. This is the 1st time in my life I have been able to relax and help others in an informal way. I have had more than one conference with a software developer who complained about the hardware or it's design, because their programs didn't work as they wanted. Getting Hardware and software to work together is a trying and sometimes impossible task. As for this LimeWire program it works well. My personal experience with it has been enjoyable. If you do a little research now you may be able to figure out who I really am, but I will leave that to you. As far as the LimeWire staff goes and this forum I think they do an outstanding job.

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