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play_girl February 1st, 2005 06:04 AM

burning problems
I'm new to lime wire and im already having problems. I can down load things fine and i can get the to Windows Midea player ok but every once in a while the songs that i've downloaded go red and wont work and wehn i try to bund my songs to cd the wont work and also go red. At virst i thought it was because the were mp3's but that cant be it cause i have just recently burned some wma's and mp3's to a cd but it wont take the ones i've just recently down loaded...Why are they turning red and why wont they burn???

Lord of the Rings February 1st, 2005 06:30 AM

Files usually turn red b/c it means they aren't being shared. Another reason is if they are in the incomplete folder they've lost their ability to continue downlding. But I don't think that applies here. Which library folder are you trying to use the music files from?

1. When you 1st open LW all items listed in your library will be red. Once LW has loaded them & accounted for them they will turn black one by one. This may take a few mins or quite some time depending on how many shared files you have. The indication that shows all your files have been accounted for is the no. of files listed as being shared on the bottom left of the window. eg: it may show 37/250 which means only 37 of the 250 shared files have been accounted for but if you watch this figure on the left it will increase until it reaches 250.

2. For items in your Saved Files folder they may be red. Try to use the Refresh button in the library. This will mean that ALL your shared files will be re-assessed & accounted for. As suggested this may take a while but will at least give you the use of these files.

I hope that's a reasonable explanation.

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