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jflagg February 21st, 2005 10:00 PM

It's come to my attention that some of y'all are uploading files listed as whole, that are not complete. I just d/l'd "H*rmonic*ts - P*g of My H**rt.mp3" from someone, and there is about 15 seconds of the piece missing! I know this because I have the song on vinyl, and there are about 2 bars missing from the download. That's aggravating as hell, as I don't have the capability to copy the file from vinyl to digital (yet). Let's all play nice and not put incomplete files up for tranfer that are not complete, without noting it in the filename.

Lord of the Rings February 21st, 2005 10:21 PM

Generally incomplete files will have a number in front of them; eg: T-4226821-artist & title

So you should avoid those.

If you got an incomplete song, there's a chance it was recorded from radio or something. I don't know why people share those but that might explain why there's parts missing: edited out the DJ intro, etc.

The reason sharing of incomplete can be a bonus is b/c the part that is complete can help speed up downlding for other people.

By the way there's no need to mention the actual file-name when giving an example.

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