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  #1 (permalink)  
Old February 26th, 2005
Join Date: February 26th, 2005
Posts: 5
AnnieJo is flying high
Default How can I cancel this and get my money back?

Hey guys,

I signed up for this deal last night thinking that for $30 bucks I could download music and software to my hearts content. I can't even get the thing to connect. My firewalls are disabled, I didn't see a folder to delete, and I don't understand the rest of the instructions on the forums....I just don't want to put this much effort into it...I thought it would be simple and its not. How do I talk to an employee....? Someone who can just give me my money back?

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old February 26th, 2005
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Hmm looks you have been scammed. The basic version of LimeWire is free.

See this link.

You should contact your debit/credit company as soon as possible, and explain what happened. They may be able to stop the transaction.

Where did you get this subscription from, What website.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old February 26th, 2005
Join Date: February 26th, 2005
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AnnieJo is flying high
Default a scam??? is the site where I purchased limewire for 33.90. They rated other download sites and this one was rated the highest for 24/7 support. I did a google search using keywords "download music" and it came up first. It seems very above board . I was just messing around last night and wanted to download some music; something I have never done before. I didn't realize it was so easy to get scammed. They sent me a receipt and everything.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old February 26th, 2005
Join Date: February 26th, 2005
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AnnieJo is flying high

The following is an interchange I had with right after I read the post to my thread and found out that limewire basic is free.

You might need to disable your firewall and anti-virus software long enough
to allow the LimeWire software to download. As soon as it has finished
downloading, you can reactivate your firewall and anti-virus software.
Then, configure your firewall settings so as to allow LimeWire access to the
network. We do not commonly have problems with any compromise of security.

The small membership fee is to cover our administration, operating and
support costs. This is so that we can provide you with access to all the
software you need to search, download, play and burn your favorite music,
while also being able to provide you with friendly, 7x24 technical support.

Please let us know if you have any further questions.


My Music, Inc.

Note: For all support requests, feedback, inquiries, etc, please be sure to
leave the content of the email included in any responses. A trail of the
communication exchange will enhance the support process in allowing
different members of our team the ability to quickly learn about the issue
at hand.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Saturday, February 26, 2005 4:33 PM
Subject: Support/Information Request - Membership/Account

Location: Home
Operating System: WinXP Home
Browser: IE 6
Search Program: LimeWire
Subject: Membership/Account

Hey guys,

what's going on? Did I just get scammed? All I wanted to do is access
music downloads. I am even willing to pay for them. I can't connect to
limewire and it is supposed to be free anyway!! Please be honest and keep
the internet safe: refund my money!!!!
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old February 26th, 2005
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Lost In Time
Join Date: January 19th, 2005
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fabion is flying high

I'm sorry to here you got scammed.

My suggestion is you uninstall whatever version you downloaded from them, and download from the "official" LimeWire site here.

The forum here is not really a support site. Some of the members of the forum volunteer to help others. We get nothing in return except thank you every now and then.

The forum is in no way associated with LimeWire, it's more like a selfhelp group.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old February 26th, 2005
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Lord of the Rings has a distinguished reputationLord of the Rings has a distinguished reputationLord of the Rings has a distinguished reputation

7x24 technical support
What 24/7 support? They make a killing & then send their victims here out of their way, after they've loaded their bank accounts with your money. We do wonder why we should bother but for pity! This is a general p2p forum not specifically a LW forum. They are SO CHEAP & if only I could meet one of them face to face they'd learn the local ways & customs! And those 'individuals' would be be long forgotten. Just oportunists that's all they are! Scum is too lighter a word for them! No hiding here but I don't live there!

Actually there's certain laws here that would apply but don't apply in the usa unfortunately. But ... Actually there's been recent test cases that have brought usa scammers under our law due their showing their heads on our shores. So they don't even need to have an office here for us to take action against them. So I wonder how long it takes before action is taken against them from here! It will only take a few references to a few people if it's found out locals have been victimised. On our side we have government support.

These scam sites tend to have short lives. Quick money & run. It's roughly equivalent to snatching somebody's handbag & running.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old February 26th, 2005
Join Date: February 26th, 2005
Posts: 5
AnnieJo is flying high

aMAzing. I uninstalled the version I downloaded off and installed the version from the link above. It immediately connected. I did a quick search and BANG tons of files popped up! Thanks so much!!! I just want some music

P.S. if anyone else made the same dumb mistake I did then call this number to try to get your money back: 905-248-3113. I called my credit card company and they gave it to me. It s not listed anywere on the website or in the support emails.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old March 3rd, 2005
Join Date: March 2nd, 2005
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travelon is flying high
Default here's how to cancel fees for downloading limewire

If, like me, you paid $49 to and, like me, you feel ripped off because the software is FREE, you can go to this page and submit your request for a refund:

That should do the trick.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old March 3rd, 2005
Join Date: February 26th, 2005
Posts: 5
AnnieJo is flying high


Have you been refunded? I used the link you posted to cancel my "membership" and then when I finally got a response to my request for a refund I received this email:

There is specific information we require in order to properly process your
refund request. Please click on the link below and complete the form
presented and your refund request will be processed within 2-3 business

We're sorry you have decided to cancel your membership with us.
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