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Nicki_pants February 27th, 2005 12:18 PM

newbie, help wanted
i was wondering if anyone is nice enough to answer some of my questions...
first, if I have a firewall installed on my computer, will it affect my downloads?

second, i've been trying to download something now for awhile and it says "waiting in line, position 1" what does that mean?! and what can i do about it?

thirdly, if i want to download movies, what are my chances of getting the actual movie that I want?

thank u for your help

Nicki_pants February 27th, 2005 12:30 PM

can someone plz help me out?
i would like to know what to do if my download says "waiting, position 1". sometimes it says "downloading from 1 host" but it downloads at 0kb.. plz help


fabion February 27th, 2005 02:53 PM

I not sure what you mean by effect your d/l, but you do have to configure your firewall for both TCP & UDP access for LimeWire. That gives LimeWire full access to the internet connection.

If you don't have the firewall configured properly, it will effect how LimeWire connects or tries to connect.

Waiting in line position 1, basicly means that you are connected to a host and qued to be the next one to receive the u/l from that host. Translating to your d/l.

Your chances are good provided you check a few things. Make sure you check the file size. An average movie will be about 700 MB give or take, it may also be in more than one part depending on the movie.

I hope your using LimeWire as that is what I based my response, as you really didn't provide any information.

fabion February 27th, 2005 02:59 PM

I already answered most of this in your other post.

But you have to remember your d/l speed is affected by the u/l speed of the host. You can only d/l as fast as the host can u/l.

Not everyone has a fast connection. For example if the host you are trying to d/l from is dialup your d/l speed will be slow, versus a host who has broadband which will be faster.

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