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Benjamin1978 March 7th, 2005 05:44 AM

need more sources???
I've been trying for the last couple of weeks to get hold of a file, it's quite rare so maybe only one or two pop up in a search, so I'd expect the 'need more sources' but today I had 8 different files in my search but everytime I tried to download its either 'need more' or 'awaiting' sources, I've searched again and again and the same 8 files appear but I just can't download!!

Is there a way round this prob? Or am I being a muppet?

G4 Poower Book OSX 10.3.8
LimeWire Pro
Netgear DG814

Lord of the Rings March 7th, 2005 06:00 AM

Those hard to get rare ones ... hmm. It can be a tussle to get them sometimes. Personally, I'd select to downld, if not successful, select from downlds window & press Stop button. Then re-select from search results & press download button. I'd repeat this process backed up with the occasional new search.

Do you have people uploading from you. It generally helps. Also changing the content of your uploads can obtain different sets of users uploading who might just have or be indirectly connected with users who have the file you want.

I see you used the Resume or Find Sources function. These can be effective but not as effective as searches which can bring in fresh results & new people online.

Benjamin1978 March 7th, 2005 06:13 AM

Cheers, Lord, but I've been doing what you suggested with no luck.

ah well, I'll keep trying.


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