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NoobsRUs March 14th, 2005 10:29 AM

Downloading and burning to DVD
OK, I want to download a movie and ultimately burn it to DVD and be able to play it on a DVD player.

How would I go about doing this? Does it matter what filetype I download? (avi, mpg, etc)

Any help would be really appreciated.

Lord of the Rings March 14th, 2005 10:40 AM

avi & mpeg/mpg are the best. If you have nero or roxio easy creator then you've no problems. The program will do any necessary conversion for you. I did it using Roxio Toast with multiple short movies onto a dvd without problem. Of course I found I couldn't mix pal & ntsc but I already knew that. There's lots of posts about this here & in the tips & tricks section. Do a look around or search for dvd to find them for more details.

seascapes March 14th, 2005 11:06 AM

I am new as well and I am having trouble, I posted once and got blasted so I searched the archives and did read a substantial amount. The problem I am having is that Nero and the other program I am using will not let me upload the mpg files I have downloaded. I get an error regarding codec. Is there other information I should be reading??

fabion March 14th, 2005 12:15 PM

Hmmm I've been using Nero for about 6+ months now, and have never received a message like that. I have received unrecognized format.

My suggestion would be go to the Nero website support section, and d/l the users manual. They are well written and it's easy to follow the instructions.

You can also search for codecs.

Best of luck.

Lord of the Rings March 14th, 2005 03:04 PM

Unless I'm mistaken if you have the lastest version of Nero then you get the mpeg2 codec with it, otherwise it's a separate purchase for other versions of Nero.
It reminds me of DVD studio pro that after purchasing I got special optimised mpeg2 codecs on top of other codecs I had with apple's fcp & QuickTime Pro.

NoobsRUs March 17th, 2005 02:48 PM

Yes, however, when I say noob, I mean in a massive way.

I dont know what a codec is. lol

I have Roxio on my computer, so I downloaded a movie and burnt it to dvd uing roxio dvd builder...however the size was too big and it had to lower the quality...when I know i could have made it fit if I could have edited the file and deleted the credits and such.

Any free software out there that can do that?

I tried dvdshrink, but it wants an IFO file...which I could not find that filetype to download

Lord of the Rings March 17th, 2005 02:56 PM

Roxio Toast for mac can allow you to choose the beginning & ending point so I would presume Roxio Easy Creator would be the same (I only have version 5 of Easy Creator.)

A codec is a plug-in that translates the format to be able to play or encode.

For tools & advice see 1. & 2. &

melwest March 20th, 2005 04:10 PM

Easy CD creator 5 and windows XP
Sorry if this is posted in wrong area, but I have Roxio easy cd creator 5 platinum but since having windows xp I was told I could not use it because it was not compatible - is this correct?

I posted another thread a couple of days ago to see how to correct the problem of two part downloads burning onto dvd in wrong order (after converting them in same conversion process - vso divx to dvd).

Lord, Will this roxio program I have do this? Can I install it on XP without damaging my system?

Thankyou!!:confused: Sorry if this is posted in wrong area

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