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eng_barakat March 29th, 2005 05:15 AM

Cannt write # in search label??? in lime wire
hello all

im amacing that i cant write # in search label like when im searching for **** and so on
in lime wire

how can i do it ??

thx all

Lord of the Rings March 29th, 2005 05:34 AM

which p2p client are you talking about? Perhaps you should post in the appropriate client section.

eng_barakat March 29th, 2005 03:27 PM

thx for ur replaying i forget to mentionthat i use lime wire ;)


waiting to know the answer

Lord of the Rings March 29th, 2005 03:43 PM

Hadn't noticed it before but I don't think it should be necessary anyway. I'd suggest LW's search will ignore that character so you could just type C .. language ... or just language tools

eng_barakat April 2nd, 2005 05:00 AM

sorry 4 being late

the problem cant solve like this there are **** also i dont want to have bad results in searching

so thank u for ur idea

but look ing for more help plllllllz

Night-Fire April 2nd, 2005 05:11 AM

i may be able to help i just need to know what type of tool as an example so i can give u a search text.

eng_barakat April 2nd, 2005 06:35 AM

thank u very much

i m looking for *****
thank u :)

Night-Fire April 3rd, 2005 01:58 AM

Bad News :(, Cant find any way to get search for documents n vid tutorials to do with *** in LW i will place a post in the beta forums & hopefuly they will fix this issue or shine some light about it. you may think to little to late but i appollogies & i belive if the admin/moderraters & staff read this feel the same way:(

eng_barakat April 3rd, 2005 11:06 AM

hello thank u man

its ok thank u

any way till they fix it i m using sharp instead of # :D

see u soon

stief April 3rd, 2005 11:44 AM

Here's the best I could find about the kinds of searches and characters allowed.

The Search Criteria is text, and it has never been specified which charset that text was encoded with. Therefore, servents MUST assume it is pure ASCII only. If any byte with the 7th bit set (high bit) is found, then either there is a GGEP extension specifying the encoding used, or the servent SHOULD guess the proper encoding. Most likely, it will be ISO-latin-1 or UTF-8.

Exactly how to interpret the Search Criteria is not specified either, but here are some guidelines for interoperability between servents:

The Search Criteria is a string of keywords. A servent SHOULD only respond with files that has all the keywords. It is RECOMMENDED to break up the words on any non-alphanumeric characters (anything but letters and numbers). A space is the standard separator between words.

Servents MAY also require that all matching terms be present in the same number and order as in the query.

Regular expressions are not supported and common regexp "meta- characters" such as "*" or "." will either stand for themselves or be ignored. The matching SHOULD be case insensitive. Empty queries or queries containing only 1-letter words SHOULD be ignored.
So, looks like a # character will cause a break in the search terms sent, or be ignored if it is a single letter.

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