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scrubber April 4th, 2005 10:26 PM

pls help me-lost incomplete files
pls someone help me today i was on limewire an my comp froze the comp sorted it self out 1hour later. i loged on to limewire an all my incomplete files wer gone-i went to libary an started them again but thy started from nothing -wer did the half complete ones go how do i start them going from b4 comp crashed pls help me

Lord of the Rings April 4th, 2005 10:31 PM

Generally this (a comp crash) results in the downld preferences being corrupted. So you can try to force resume them from the library or search the original topics & see if any downld icon appears & re-select them.

scrubber April 5th, 2005 12:33 AM

iv done that but only half of my downloads are in my libary-dose limewire have a history reset so i can reset limewire to say yesterdays-how it was running yesterday ?

Lord of the Rings April 5th, 2005 12:38 AM

Yes try that! Hope it works. Crashes or improperly shutting down the computer/LW can corrupt these downld prefs which are stored in the incomplete folder (called download.dat & bak.)

scrubber April 5th, 2005 01:09 AM

ok im in my INCOMPLETE folder an all the downloads that havnt finish r in their- so how do i get them to start downloading again from incomplete folder??????

Lord of the Rings April 5th, 2005 01:21 AM

This will probably mean starting them from 0% but at least you can get them on the downld list again. Go to LW's Library window, select the incomplete folder, highlight the files & press the Resume button. This will force them back onto the downld list on the main window. Unfortunately this is a painful way but ... otherwise search the topics before you do this so u have the sources available so there's a chance they will resume at appropriate %. But if the downld prefs were corrupted then this is unlikely to begin at anything but 0%.

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