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JIM236 May 20th, 2005 02:56 PM

Limewire Crash
Hi, I'm new to the forums so sorry if I've not posted this in the right place but I've recently over the past day or two had some problems loading my Limewire Pro 4.8.1. When I click on it and you get the normal loads screen, after about 5 secs it goes white and no scrolling msgs come up like they usually do and when the main screen comes up its completely white and thats it nothing loads up after that. I've tried reinstalling it several times but to no avail. I've also recently installed new drivers for my graphics card but I dunno if thats anything to do with my problem. I'd appreciate it if someone could offer me some advice on what to do here because I've got a music downloader which I've paid for and it doesn't work.:mad:

fabion May 20th, 2005 03:02 PM

Hmmm not sure which display adapter you have, but check out these posts.


JIM236 May 20th, 2005 04:27 PM

I managed to fix my problem but it was easier than yeah'd think. Although I upgraded my display drivers from ATI just a week ago ATI have now new drivers up, 5.5, so I downloaded and installed that and everything was fine.

fabion May 20th, 2005 04:56 PM

That is fantastic news. Thanks for the info. I'll pass it on.

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