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DMS2222 June 2nd, 2005 03:02 AM

Voice out of sync on Downloads any advice welcome thanks
When I download certain movies or tv shows (mainly TV ) I find that the voices are out of sync some times this is easy to correct just by stoping the film then restarting but alot of the time this does not work if any one has any sugestions on how to correct this i would be great full thank you

Bubba_Gump June 3rd, 2005 07:37 AM

Audio unsync result of poor compression.
Frequently, when the audio is out of sync with the video, it is because the person that created it used a very poor compression level (often for higher quality). This is why "homemade" videos are more often out-of-sync. I'd be willing to bet your PC is a bit old as well.

Stopping and restarting "fixes" the problem by buffering more of the audio.

You have a few options:

Make sure you have the latest codecs installed on your PC and that they are optimized for optimum performance (old codecs, while they can usually play the newer stuff, may take more time decoding).

If you are savvy enough, you can demux your video (spilt it into separate audio and video files) and recompile it with better codecs.

Make sure you are running the latest audio drivers for your sound card.

If possible, increase the size of the playback buffer of your media player.

Last resort, upgrade your PC.

More than likely, unless you are still running a 300MHz PC, a simple codec tweeking will solve your problems.

DMS2222 June 5th, 2005 06:19 AM

that has done the trick
Just changed the buffer level on the media player that has done the trick thanks very much Bubba ever need any help im always happy to help think you might no a little bit more than me though Thanks Bubba

ralphf August 1st, 2006 12:57 PM

DMS2222 can you tell me which media player you are using and exactly what you did. I am having same problem with episodes of lost that I have downloaded. I use windows media player 10 and nero vision express.

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