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marct June 3rd, 2005 11:26 AM

Can I get a refund?
I dropped morpheus and kazaa so I could get better download quality, and 40 bucks later I can't get me limewire program to load up. I didn't get this so I could have more trouble downlaoding songs. At least with morpheus, I was getting most the songs I wanted. I tried the whole firewall thing, but I don't understand why this won't work. Is there some way I can just get my money back because I am sure not getting any service. Is this the only support line, there's no phone number?

stief June 3rd, 2005 02:39 PM

40$? Sounds like a scam. See for stories of people who have been scammed and how some managed to get their money back.

LW Pro (the official one) has a no-refund policy, because they expect someone will first try the free version.

btw--for most purposes, the free is just as good as the Pro. If the free wont connect on your setup and location, neither will the Pro.

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