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picky33 June 21st, 2005 08:19 AM

THERE"S SOMETHING that SHOULD not be there...there
i know it sounds confusing but recently(yesterday) i started up lime wire and an extra folder appeared called "Uploads" and i seach my computer and NO folder on my c:\ drive that has a folder named that and i don't want the folder

could someone help me plz

Lord of the Rings June 21st, 2005 09:18 AM

After you set up the LW options when you 1st install or 1st open LW, there's 3 folders that will be created. One is the LW preferences folder which is called .limewire & is usually found here for windows users: C:/Documents And Settings/your_username/.limewire
The 2nd folder is your downld folder & is whatever you called it. By default it's called Shared. And is usually by default anyway, located here: C:\Documents and Settings\"your account name"\Shared
The 3rd folder is called incomplete. Which of course is where your partially downlded files are stored until they reach 100% by which time LW will move them to your downld folder. Also located in this folder is your downld preferences called download.dat & bak (these should normally never be touched!) The incomplete folder is always stored at the same directory level as your downld folder.

There's a folder within your LW Library window which is called Saved Files but this is really a psuedonym for your LW downld folder. It is there so you can view your downlds even if you're not sharing your downld folder.

If you have a folder called Uploads, then where is it located? Where did you see it?

Johno June 21st, 2005 12:20 PM

Its a virus!!!
I had this problem yesterday and it took ages to fix,
I discoverd i was suddenly shareing 1500 more files from a new folder called uploads.
The uploads folder is well hidden and i could only find it by typeing in c:\uploads into execute command,it contained just over 1500 zip files all with different innocent names but all where 434k.
Ad adware would detect it and delete it but it would return when i rebooted.spybot didnt detect it and after looking on a pc support website i got rid of it by manuelly deleteing the contents of the uploads file and then useing 'panda software activescan'.
I suggest all limewire users check their monitor window for the uploads folder to make sure they are not infected too.

Johno June 21st, 2005 12:41 PM

Ive just re installed limewire and the uploads folder returned but it is now empty and ive removed it from shared directorys.i now cant detect any virus on my system so i think its ok now and im defineately no longer unintentionally sharing spam but i will keep a close eye on it.
Ive only got a limited pc knowledge so if anyone has got any more info about this it would be greatly appreciated.

Johno June 21st, 2005 12:48 PM


Originally posted by Johno
I suggest all limewire users check their monitor window

sorry i ment library window.

picky33 June 21st, 2005 04:49 PM

thanks i found the folder and deltted the file

mainstreamsux June 22nd, 2005 12:46 AM

were is the execute command thing?

picky33 June 22nd, 2005 09:22 AM

click on the start menu

then click on run

then type in the folder name


u go in your start

go under all programs

then go under accessories

then go to command prompt

mainstreamsux June 23rd, 2005 12:45 PM

can someone type in full instructions on how to delete everything attached to this "uploads" thing?

mainstreamsux June 23rd, 2005 11:03 PM

it wont go away give me ful insructions:confused:

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