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sabastionridge July 2nd, 2005 01:48 PM

I was just wondering if anyone knew if my downloading capabilities would be faster if i disabled ultrapeer? what positive and negitive effects does ultrapeer have on my performence?

Also, if i make my prefrencing to rarely accept freeloaders will this make me faster?

thanks to all that help


Lord of the Rings July 2nd, 2005 05:00 PM

IF someone doesn't answer before, might I suggest you send a pm to Stief. I think he might be able to fill you in. ;) :)

Grandpa July 3rd, 2005 01:18 AM

It will depend on a few things such as your how your machine is set up CPU, Memory, connection type & speed etc. I can only speek from my experience I have done some experimenting while running in ultrapper mode and DL 7 files at 230 to 250/KBs and UL 2 files at 35KB/s with 50 other people connected to me through ultrapper connection. If I turn off ultrapper I can gain between 30 & 50KB/s, but I can do the same thing by droping my UL speed to 30KB/s which is about 70% of my upload capabilty. It does not help any if I drop any lower than that if I drop too much it actuall seems to slow my DL speed down. When running in ultrapper mode I seem to get more results but you need to have about 30 to 35 people connected to you before you will notice better search results. I hope this will help you out I am no expert and can only speak from my own experiences there are som good tips for setting up LW in this forum you might check them out.

Latter Grandpa

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