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Limewiring July 9th, 2005 09:43 AM

Alcan Worm!!! Beware!
As some of you may have seen if you search anything under the programs part, you get a load of sources with 851.7 KB.


To protect yourself and your computer i highly recomemd getting (or downloading) McAfee Virus Scan. It automatically scans files that have just entered your computer and it immediatly deletes it (under 30 seconds) if it contains a virus.

ukbobboy01 July 9th, 2005 12:37 PM

Viruses & Worms
Dear All

It certainly is not a good idea to surf the internet or do any P2P-ing without anti-viral protection (and at least a firewall), even the greenest of newbies must know this by now.

UK Bob

ursula July 9th, 2005 01:00 PM

green ain't exactly in the beginning of the spectrum of light observed by humming beans !


Not sure if the concept of the image of the notion of the habit of the thing humming beans call green is suitably applicable to the experiences of those who are new knew to computers and the vile thingy known as the internet !!!

"Moose Sh!t Brown"




"Creme de la Skid Mark"




appropriate ???


Raminder July 9th, 2005 01:20 PM

thanks i was wondering why there was alot of those.

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