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  #1 (permalink)  
Old July 12th, 2005
Join Date: July 12th, 2005
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brimest0ne is flying high

I still can�t believe the world is so full of computer morons. Virus threats to our computers can only be placed on the shoulders of two people, those who create them and those who inadvertently spread the virus, namely the MORON! Without the moron, those social inept beak necks who create virus for no other reason that to spread ill will to others, would have a greater difficulty spreading their crap over the internet.

It would seem LIMEWIRE is not immune to the depredation of MORONS. The uses of any anti virus program escapes them completely, as they are wholly unaware of the devastating affect they have on the P2P community. Unable to see the world past the end of their nose, they only see the number of files they have to share and pat themselves on the back for a job well done, thinking they have helped the P2P community. Never do they look at the content of the files lurking in the their shared folder, never seeing the growing number of ZIP files all the same size, or how they got there.

Are you a MORON? Of course not�Your reading this forum, learning to defend yourself from the MORON, learning how not to be a MORON.

Download anti virus software, free is a good price and there are many great programs out there.
This link will get you what I think to be the best of the best and it�s FREE! AVG anti virus

Use the anti virus program! Scan every file you download to your computer before you open it!!!! And if your anti virus software finds a virus, don�t bother fixing it, just delete the damn thing and keep your system clean

Sorry for the rant, but I feel that Morons are taking over the world, and you can�t blame bad genes for being a lazy thinker. It�s time for these people to pull their head from their asses and get with the program or turn in their drivers license and stop propagating!
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old July 13th, 2005
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im a fan and a user of avg!

another good app is a spyware/adware removal tool called ad-aware by lavasoft:
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old July 13th, 2005
Johno's Avatar
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I couldnt agree with you more
brimest0ne,why dont these irresponsible morons check whats in there shared file?,anything i download that turns out to be virus ridden or just plain cr** gets deleted straight away.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old July 16th, 2005
Join Date: July 16th, 2005
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Budweiser714 is flying high

Way to go Brimstone! Everything you said was true.

I swear 90+% of files I have downloaded in the last two weeks are infected, and when you do a search, there are hundreds of morons with the same file, and they are all sharing it.

Using a decent AV program is a no-brainer.....ooops, that's the problem isn't it? They have no brain, or they don't use it.

Norton Antivirus catches each and every one of these infected files before Limewire is even finished with them. How do people live without an antivirus program? Hell, like you said, there are good free ones out there, so not having one is just stupid.

But you know, the world is over run with those kinds of people. If all the idiots were to disappear tomorrow, it would be like waking up in North Dakota. Your nearest neighbor would be miles away, haha.

Did you notice Bush got re-elected? I rest my case.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old August 27th, 2005
Gnutella Jewel
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mohannad_7 is flying high

**** those people who give us viruses my computer was affected month ago and now its a piece of toast
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old August 27th, 2005
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everyone needs to stop downloading executables off of peer to peer. its not a safe or likely legitimate area to download software. its like going to china, going in the alleys of the big cities looking for pirated software (yeah, i doubt you were looking for freeware/shareware on p2p hehe) area in asia asking for freeware.

the people on limewire have more to gain by infecting you with spyware/viruses/trojans than giving you a free piece of software.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old August 27th, 2005
Join Date: November 19th, 2004
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flrman is flying high
Default I agree!!

I have to agree. I have used many antivirus programs and avg has done wonders! Anyone not using antivirus shouldnt be allowed on internet, but anywho, maybe they will learn.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old December 21st, 2005
Join Date: December 19th, 2005
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HeadCraft is flying high
Default who is pro virii?

I think we should ask ourselves who would be pro virus? RIAA, MS, the pay-per-song conglomerates, etc? Software *.exe companies??? Who has an interest in disrupting P2P?

I was astonished a few days ago when Music Match Jukebox popped up & told me I didn't have a license to play a certain song on my mp3 player. I bought a 40Gig player a couple weeks ago that came with over 3000 mp3s on it, so when I got around to it I copied those mp3s to my HD so I could listen w/o using the player. I bought another mp3 player that came with Music Match Jukebox & decided to try it instead of VLC just to see if there was a difference in quality. As soon as I tried to load the mp3 into MMJ a warning popped-up saying I didn't have a license for that song & then a Microsoft box popped-up wanting me to download a license for the song. I THOUGHT F**K NO & CANCELLED BOTH the MMJ & MS boxes, decided right then to remove MMJ from my 'puter & continue with VLC. TALK ABOUT SPY-WARE!!!
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old December 24th, 2005
Join Date: December 9th, 2005
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Art99 is flying high

You guys are right, the world is full of MORONs.
You don't just download everything you see in LW. Only specific items that you will need. First you scan them with Norton or any AV and if they are infected you don't use them and immidietly remove them from your PC. How difficult is that? Only a stupid moron can't do it!
Lately, most of the files that need to be avoided are files that are in the 700k and 800k area, especialy anything that has 857.1k size. You don't even need an AV program to spot that.
Some morons know that the file has a virus and they still keep it in their computer. Well, myself and many people I know, if we scan for a file in LW and we see those files, we block the host. If we all do that, some day soon, those morons won't be able to download nothing from LW. The less morons in the net, the better the quality and speed.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old April 3rd, 2006
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Smile exe files

can i just say i have dl a couple of exe files and all has been fine, but i wouldnt dream of opening anything without checking size etc, looking on bizi, then going over with every antivirus i have, i have recently asked on here what i can do to warn others if i find any bad files, but my main point in writing is,i have learnt things over last few months and we are all new at some point and if you all , that have been long standing members, bear with us newbies, we will learn how to do things as you do, most people passing viruses on dont know any better, iv learnt a lot reading these forums (thank you lord of the ring and others) please bear with us!!
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